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This will be a short chapter so don't worry, we're getting to the interesting part!

"So who was that?" asked Malia trying her best to sound as natural as she could.

"Who? Oh you mean that beautiful handsome guy who just complimented his self whit me for my beauty?" Replied Tora jumping around as a little bunny happy as ever.

"Well his name is Jungkook, it's all I know! Oh and did I tell you that he thoughts I was beautiful?" squecked out the girl showing her wide cute smile.

"Tora, didn't you...didn't you felt anything while talking to him, like a scent?" Malia was trying to calm herself down as she checked on the road.

"Actually yes. I smelled a very strong scent, similar to you think he is a werewolf? She asked as she leaned forward to Malia'face.

Tora was new in that world and she couldn't tell which people were werewolves and which were not. She was only familiar with Malia's and Laurent's scent. Oh and also with Mark's of course.

But still she wasn't very familiar with her wolf senses.

"Maybe, come on let's go we need to pack our stuff" she said as she took Tora's hand and dragging her to their apartment.

"Wait wha..!"


Malia was the most untyed girl ever seen. Her bedroom was a disaster, there were clothes spreed on the floor on her bed and oh her desk chair.
After an hour finally she finished packing her stuff.

"MALIA. HELP. NOW. PLEASE." Tora cried out from her room making Malia chuckled.

Malia walks out of her room and entered in Tora's. She was on the floor buried in clothes.

"Get your ass up and finish packing, we're leaving tonight." Said Malia in a playful tone while kicking Tora's leg.

"UGH. Wait. TONIGHT?! WHY?!" Screamed out Tora in surprise.

"Because I decided so" Malia looked ad her with her red eyes.

Whitout saying anything, Tora got herself up and finished packing her stuff obeying to her Alpha.

As soon as it got dark, the two girls left the apartment.

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