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"YOU CAN'T SHAPESHIFT?" Lilith screamed out in shocked. She was hanging in Tora's room, of course they were escorted by Jungkook and for all their walking, Lilith killed him with her blue eyes as he wasn't watching.

"SHHHH! DO YOU WANNA EVERYONE TO HEAR YOU?" Tora replied trying not to yell but it was useless. They were talking about that afternoon training. Lilith already was planning how to escape and in an another room, Malia was doing the same. 

"How could you not being able of shape shift, it's the first thing you learn!" Lilith wanted to know. It was quiet strange that Malia didn't teach her how to turn in a wolf. "I don't...I don't know Lilith okay? It's not that she didn't teach me anything, just.." she stopped and sighted. 

Why didn't Malia teach her that? A werewolf how doesn't know how to shape shift, that was ridiculus. "Maybe you can teach me, I mean how am I suppose to do? Can you show me?" Tora was suddenly all curios to see Lilith's wolf. In that moment someone knocked. 

"Coming" Tora went to the door and opened it. It was Jungkook. "...Lunch is ready" he said trying to avoid Tora's look but at the same time wanting to look at her. He could also feel Lilith gaze on him. The girls went out, Tora closed the door and with Lilith started walking behind him.

They met with the others in the main hall for then having lunch all together like the day before. They all took place and start eating. it was all silent untile Malia decided to speak "So, what will be our training about?" she asked. "Right. Well this afternoon you will go in the woods with our hunters. Don't worry, you're not gonna hunt yet" Namjoon's voice filled the room. 

Malia glanced at Jimin who looked her back and smirked. "How can such a creep be that angelic look like? " thought Malia while scooting her look to Taehyung. She never really looked at him before. He was actrattive, that was a fact. But she wasn't interested in him, but in his weak point. Malia needed to study them. 

"Wait, we're going into the woods?" Lilith asked sounding all innocent. Something clicked in both Malia's and Lilith's mind. The woods. That was it. There it was their occasion for escaping. "THE WOODS! It's just perfect, if it wasn't for...Tora ugh" Malia suddenly remember about her big mistake of not teaching Tora how to shape shift. 

"No. This is our chance, I'm not gonna lose it, I will carry her no matter what, we will escape" Malia squeezed her fists at those thoughts. The thought of freedom. Yes. That was it, right there that afternoon. Malia jumped when a voice brought her to reality. 

"We will check your endurance, speed and strength, so this afternoon you can consider it as a nice run into the woods." That was the first time the girls heard Taehyung's voice. "If one of you try to trick us, well, we'll see how good you are at fighting with claws and fangs" he finished.

Malia couldn't keep it anymore as she spitted out "Tora's not able to shape shift, i didn't teach her, it's my fault" she said with confidence and guilt. "MALIA! Wha...okay it's true" Tora just crossed her arms and shooked her head.

"That's weird for an Alpha, not teaching her own Beta how to turn. Well I guess there's a first time for everything." Jin spoke up in surprise but continued with looking at Tora "Don't worry, by the end of the day you will be able to turn with your eyes close" he smiled and returned to his plate.

Malia didn't know what to say, she felt guilty for that and she could tell Tora was pissed. After all it was her duty of Alpha to teach her everything she needed to survive in their world. But then why she hesitated on that? "She's not me, she will not hurt anyone" Malia was lost in her thought.

"Jin's right, you'll see" Namjoon started "Now if you wanna excuse me, I have some work to to, I'll leave you girls in Tae and Jimin's hand" and with that he stood up and followed by the other he desappeared.

"This is gonna be fun" Jimin's voice made the girls turning towards him as he smirked maliciously.

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