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As soon as she heard the sound of the alarm clock, Malia jumped out of bed and with a broad smile on her face went to pull back the curtains to allow the first light of the morning sun to enter and illuminate her room. 

She looked at the phone which marked eight thirty and decided not to waste even a minute: she jumped happily to the bathroom as she gathered her long hair into a high ponytail; she brushed her face and teeth vigorously; a little skin care that didn't work but smelled of honey; she let her hair down to brush it right to the ends and then left the bathroom.

She improvised a few dance steps as she went to the wardrobe for choosing her clothes. "Let's see" she hummed to herself "Oh there you go!". A pair of baggy jeans together with an oversized white hooded sweatshirt that covered her body shape, as she liked it.

She quickly settled into the mirror, picked up the phone and went out of her room, shutting the door behind her as if she never had to go back.

Malia went down the stairs at great speed and headed straight for the lunch room and when she entered, she was not surprised to find the seven boys already sitting down to eat breakfast.

"Good morning!" she said loudly as she took the usual of her to the left of Namjoon who was delighted to see her in such a good mood. "Good morning! To what do I owe your cheering happiness?" he asked raising his eyebrows as he realized that he had never seen her like this since he lived with them.

"Today is the day of the visit and I suppose I'm happy to see my pack again," she said shrugging without stopping to smile as she poured some coffee into her cup.

Namjoon frowned for a few seconds at the thought that her special guest would have to visit her pack for two full days, but if that was necessary not to arouse suspicion then she could accept it.

"Have you warned already?" Jin asked as he put a slice of pancake in his mouth, filling his cheeks which made his face delicate, plump and round. Malia nodded giving him back a smile "Yes, my brother has already arranged everything" she paused "I can't wait to see him again, and Mark too, I miss him" she sighed.

At that name, Hoseok's breathing stopped briefly, just long enough not to get overwhelmed by that strange feeling he was experiencing. "Mark would be your ...?" he asked suddenly trying to look as normal as possible while from under the table Yoongi stepped on his foot and then shot him with the look "Stay calm".

Malia immediately looked at him with a questioning expression raising an eyebrow "He is my brother's best friend, he is like a second brother to me, we grew up together" she said not understanding what he wanted to know. She then turned her attention to Jin and started talking with him; Hoseok kept looking at her and seeing her smile like that made him feel a warmth inside that grew more and more.

"Morning" Lilith and Tora said together as they entered the lunchroom and took their seats next to Malia. "Good...Oh my god what happened to you too?" Malia asked concerned to the two girls who seemed like zombies. "We...not...sleep...*yawn*" replied Tora while covering her mouth as she yawned wide mouth.

"Well at least I hope you two got your stuff ready because we're leaving in fifteen minutes" Malia warned them while eating her croissant. "I'll let the guards get the car prepared, then you can go" Namjoon smiled at Malia who returned the smile.

"So soon? Ugh!" scoffed Tora for then adding "Yes, my suitcase is ready and Lilith's too...Why do you thin we are this tired?" she said supporting his head with his hand, her eyes closed. "Are you kidding? We're going away for two days, what the hell did you brought?" Malia asked not understanding when Lilith spoke "Make up, clothes, hair dryer, shoes, brushes, skin care stuff..." her endless list was interrupted "Okay okay that's enough, I got it" Malia dismissed her with a wave of her hands "Make up? WTF?" thought Malia without adding anything that she might somehow annoyed Lilith.

Fifteen minutes later the three girls were all ready to go. "Okay here we go" said Malia walking towards the exit door followed by Lilith and Tora, who btw, was still asleep. The shiny black SUV was waiting for them at the end of the stairs and to the surprise of the girls, there were no guards waiting for them, but two other individuals.

"Ladies first," said one, opening the door with a mischievous little smile on his face. "I hope this is a Joke" Lilith snorted when she realized that Jimin was going to accompany them. "What is this, where are the guards?" Malia asked, supporting the blond boy's mischievous gaze.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you baby doll but Namjoon-hyung has instructed Cookie and me to escort you during your visit," Jimin said as he urged the girls into the car. "ARE YOU GUYS OUT OF YOUR MIND?! What am I supposed to tell my brother when he'll ask me why I brought not one but TWO Alphas into our house?" Malia was furious, that couldn't be good.

"Guess you never brought such beautiful man to your house am I right?" Jimin joked not taking her words seriously. "That's not the point!" she scoffed annoyed "The point is that they know about Jungkook". Jimin face suddenly become dark "What?" he asked. "I know they know about him and his bond with Bangtan" Malia knew she mustn't say no more.

"Huh" Jimin limited to say as he laughed lightly "Well I guess he's under cover then, now get in" he simply said not being concerned about that situation. Malia closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself down as she went to the car. When she was about to sit, Jimin stood in the middle "Oh, I almost forgot" he started staring straight into her eyes "I hope your brother has two more rooms otherwise we might have space problems" Jimin teased her, giving her a mischievous smirk and then let her take his seat.

In the passenger seat Jungkook had already settled down and remained silent while Jimin got into the driver's seat and started the car. "This will be fun". 

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