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*smut warning*


Tora wasn't really understanding what she was seeing in front of her. The only thing that she knew was that right there, Jungkook was on Jimin's top, threatening him with his raised fist and speaking aloud words that did not reach her ears. She couldn't stay there like that, she had to stop them.

"JUNGKOOK STOP! GET OFF HIM! PLEASE!" She screamed moving a step forward towards the two quarrelling boys, gathering in herself all the courage and strength she had in her body, she tried to divide them. He pushed her back not too gently "STAY BACK!" growled Jungkook who was already losing control on his body.

Now it was anger that filled Tora's body. She put her feet on the ground and with a decisive movement she opened her hands from which blue electric discharges were released that radiated into the surrounding air.

The two boys stopped immediately turning their heads towards the girl who now had electric blue eyes that filled her eye entirely. The scene did not last long as the exact moment in which the two stopped arguing, the discharges dissolved, and Tora came to himself.

"STOP IT!" she scoffed out loud for then tilting her head in disappointment. Jungkook stood up, Jimin right after him. They looked at each other with red eyes. There was a little moment of silent and then Jimin made his move by taking a deep breath to calm himself down "I should get going, night kookie" he started smiling at his younger for then gazing at Tora "Goodnight baby doll" he smirked at her once last time and then he walked away.

When Jungkook turned, Tora was about to close the door of her room. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked while moving next to her, blocking the door. "Yeah, I guess...I don't know" her voice was trembling, and he felt like hold her tight as strong as he could, but he did nothing. "Okay then, I'm going" he looked down trying to hide the fact that he was worried about her and that he wanted her to say to him to stay with her "Goodnight".

The moment he walked away, he felt held back. Tora was holding a sleeve of his sweatshirt. "Jungkook" she started looking at him straight in the eyes making him feel the same sensation he had felt when they ALMOST kissed. "Stay". That word sounds so perfect on her lips. Stay. He slowly turned and entered in her room; the door closed.

The silence that followed that was not embarrassing, but it was one of understanding. Jungkook had no intention of ruining that moment with some impulsive or reckless action, so he let her take her time. Yet that emotion was so hard to stifle, and he couldn't resist. He took a step toward her and took her chin in his fingers, lifting her face up to his.

Again. Time stopped in that instant, that instant in which without hesitation Jungkook bent down and placed his lips on Tora's. A soft, sweet kiss that was more meaningful than any word. She didn't pull back, rather she returned the kiss as she threw her arms around his neck tilting her head to make the kiss deeper.

They tasted their mouth, lingering sometimes with their tongues, teasing each other, increasing a heat that was growing more and more. Jungkook's hands started roaming on Tora's body moving on her back up to her hips, squeezing them in order to pull her closer to him. As they kissed, they became hungrier for each other and without realizing it, they were slowly retreating to the bed.

Jungkook sat on the edge of it, without detaching his lips from Tora's, he pulled her to him again, urging her to follow him. Tora got the message and she placed herself on top of him, one hand gripping his hair and the other pulling the collar of his sweatshirt. It didn't take long for him to take off his hoodie and t-shirt with it, revealing his perfectly sculpted torso and defined abs. Tora turned on even more and when his hands began to lift her shirt up, she threw her arms up to make it easier for him.

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