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It was a little after half past nine, dinner was now over and the seven men walked together to the infirmary. It was time to make things clear once and for all, after what had happened that afternoon, the leader was determined to make his guests understand that the time for jokes was over. 

Namjoon entered the room first followed by the others, Malia was awake next to Tora's bed, who was awake now, and Lilith was leaning against the wall to the right of the bed. Both girls raised their heads and became tense at seeing all seven of them.

 The girls remained silent as they approached in a semicircle in front of Tora's bed, all eyes pointed at Malia. Namjoon looked at Tora, " Glad to see you're awake and okay" he turned his gaze on Malia, "I hope you realize that you have endangered both your life and that of your little friends" Namjoon's deep voice filled the room as he spoke with a severe tone. Malia lowered her head and nodded lighlty, she felt guilty for what happened. Actually, was her fault.

"And I hope you realize the gravity of your gesture. Did you really believe you were able to escape?" his eyes glowed red "I thought we warned you about what would happened if you tried to escape". At those words Malia remember the picture of Mark and raised her head taking a step foreward without even notice. 

"No, please don't hurt him" she said looking at Namjoon with sadness in her eyes. She then took a deep breath and let those words, heavy like cement, came out of her mouth "All right, we will live here with you" she paused and just when the leader was about to say something she continued "AT THESE CONDITIONS"" she raised her voice.

Lilith and Tora were looking at her not knowing what she was about to say next when Malia turned and looked at them with sweet eyes. "We won't try to escape ever again and you will treat us like people, you will leave us free to wander around the house, you will give our phone back and at least once a day allowd me to talk with my brother." 

Namjoon nodded trying to hide the fact that he was a little annoyed by all those requests "Other?" he asked hoping she was over, which she was not. "You will allow us to train together and you will stop escorting us like a prisoner to watch. Is that clear?". 

Even if she was looking at Namjoon she could tell that Hoseok along with Jimin were smirking at her. She didn't scoot her eyes away and supported his gaze as he smile and opened his arms "I don't see any problem in this, after all if we wanna make this work we'll need to trust each other and someone has to do the first step" even if he was annoyed he really wanted them. He really wanted her.

He started walking towards Malia and handed his hand to her  "Welcome, Malia Jones, to our family" he said smiling at her like he was doing charity for poor people. Malia swallowed the lump in her throat and reached out to shake his, "I said we're going to live here, not that we will become members of your pack". 

"Mh, we'll see about that" he turned to the others and started "My friends, please welcome Malia to Tora and Lilith, from now on they will be part of our lives, let's help them feel at home" he said gazing at all of them. He then turned to Malia one last time "In these days I'll send some guards to your appartment so they can bring your stuff here, I suggest you to make a list". 

Since they had entered the room, Hoseok never took his eyes off Malia and now that she had agreed to live with them, a strange sensation began to invade his body. He was happy, even if he didn't know her at all, he felt all excited. By his side was the same for his younger member. Jungkook was looking at Tora untill he notice Lilith smirking, his eyes gazed at the floor "What the heck is going on? Maybe the Omega was right." 

Suddenly a voice brought him back to reality, "Well, I suppose you must be exhausted, you maybe wanna got to bed" Namjoon spoke one last time as Malia answered him "We are but" she paused and looked at both Tora and Lilith who nodded "We're staying here with Tora, thanks" she said not blinking. 

The leader made a little bow before saying goodnight and then turned around and left the room with everyone else. Before leaving the room Hoseok gazed on Malia and say goodnight as she replied smiling lightly. It was one of those smile of resignation and he felt sad for her with no apparent reason. 

As soon as the door closed Malia felt her legs failing her as she sat down on the edge of the bed, tears were filling her eyes. "I'm sorry" she whispered while sniffing "I'm..." she was cutted off by two voices "It's not your fault" Lilith and Tora said simultaneously  and looked at each other touching their noises. 

"Look Malia, you did your best, it's not like you haven't try. So now please stop blaming yourself" Tora spoke with security and authority, she seemed like Lilith and Malia understood the reason why those two were best friends. "Tora's right, blaming yourself will not making things better" was Lilith now who spoke. 

Malia turned dry away the tears "You're right mh, we're gonna pass this. Together" she scooted closer to Tora who smiled along with her. "Sorry but I'm kind tired here so" with security, Lilith walked to the bed next to Tora's and after grabbing it, she dragged it right next to hers so they could sleep next to each other.

Malia did the same and once she finished getting comfortable on the bed, she said  "To our new life" and then, shortly after, they all fell into a deep sleep. 

"To our new life".

«ʀᴇᴄᴛʀɪx»  [ʙᴛs]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora