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"I didn't remember it was so easy to beat you Jimin-shi" Hoseok said strangling his friend with his arm; both wriggled, rolling on the floor, along with what sounded like laughter and noises like a frightened duckling. What kind of werewolves did those verse? Damn.

"Hey, you two puppies, stop playing around" Jin and Namjoon scoffed as they watched them as parents watches their children do some trouble. They both stop 'fighting' and stood up laughing and teasing each other with pushes and light punches, then Yoongi spoke up with his annoyed tone "Weren't they supposed to be here like now?".

"You're right Yoongi-hyung" Jimin started "I can't wait to see what they're wearing" he laughed while he was thinking of hypothetical outfits the girls would have worn. "Who cares? I just want them to be here as soon as possible" Taehyung said walking next to him making him smirk "Really? Why's that?" he asked with a malicious look, but Taehyung simply replied with "the sooner we begin, the sooner we finish" he smiled sarcastically at his best friend as they begin joking around.

"I am pleased to see that Tae follows my philosophy, I'm proud of you" Yoongi raised his arm lazily towards his younger. He was sitting on the ground, back against the wall, legs extended on the ground, his hands stuffed in his sweatshirt pockets and the hood on his head. When he lowered his head, it seemed like he was sleeping...well he probably was.

"WHA!" Jimin screamed out making Taehyung and Jungkook laugh. This last one was doing some pushups and let himself falling on the ground for laughing as he asked, "What was that?" as he rolled on his back and stood up with a big smile. "Let me try!" he started running towards Jimin who read his movements and started running too, but Jungkook was already there as he started tickling him without pity. "WHA!" that scream again.

In that moment Jimin jumped in order to stepping away from his aggressor who, by the way, grabbed his shirt, ripping it off from his body leaving him bare chest. They all laughed even more but Jimin was not happy as he turned toward them with his red eyes, he was angry but unfortunately for him, they weren't that afraid of him since he was so cute for his short high.

- - - - - - - - - - -

"Oh, holy fuck" that was the only thing Malia could think when she opened the door with a loud thud, they for sure didn't expected such a view. The very first thing that captured their eyes was Jimin's perfect upper body, he was handsome and well formed. The cold light of the room made his skin shine, his arms were tonic, and his abdomen furrowed with sculpted abs.

"Enjoying the view baby dolls?" Jimin smirked maliciously passing a hand through his hair showing his forehead and sighted without even trying to hide the fact he was provoking them on purpose, letting them admire his perfect body. Jimin was really flirty and even though the girls found it somewhat irritating, they couldn't deny he was sexy.

"We were waiting for you, please join us" Namjoon spoke up and with a light smile on his lips he gestured the girls to enter in the room with them. His voice filled the air and Malia managed to tare her eyes off Jimin and started walking in towards them whose eyes were on them making her feel uncomfortable. Malia, as already said, wasn't used to others male attention of any kind, and when Tora stood right next to her with no fear, she gave her courage.

"Now that you girls are here, we can finally start our special session and I must say, I'm pretty curios to discover your skills" he added extending his smile once the girls were standing in front of them. He then turned and started walking towards the ring, the same ring where Malia and Hoseok had fight that time and with a gesture of his hand, he invited the girls to follow him.

Malia took a deep breath trying to hide the fact she was a little nervous while passing through the other boys who scooted in order to let them pass and reach their leader. "Why am I feeling like this?" she thought as she ignored a smirking Jimin and the deep look of Taehyung who was standing right next to him "What is wrong with them?". For some reason in that room, in that moment, the seven Alphas were putting a lot of pressure on them all.

Lilith walked secure on Malia's left, pride all over her face as she passed through them with no fear. But deep inside she was nervous too, "I'm stronger than they think, they'll see" she thought, and a little smile appeared on the corner of her lips. On the other side, Tora walked as normally as she could, for she was trying not to be clumsy as she was sometimes when she walked without paying attention. But now was not the time to be distracted and she knew it.

As she walked next to Malia, she couldn't help it but searching for Jungkook's eye contact. And there it is. He was giving her shy glances, looking at her with his dark eyes that had lit up when he saw her enter the gym, smiling slightly under her teeth. "Damn you and your cute face" she thought as she gazed at the floor, maybe to hide the fact that her face was burning while blushing like a pepperoni.

"Gwyeobda" he whispered to himself in seeing her scooted her look from him as she turned red. Guess he notices it, even because her heart was now racing.

"So" Namjoon started as he stopped right in front of the ring and turned to face the girls "First we want to see your combat level" he said for then been cut off from Lilith "We?" she asked raising her eyebrow. "Yes, we" Hoseok spoke up loudly from behind for now moving next to Namjoon. He looked at Lilith for then immediately scooting his eyes on Malia who for some reason was already looking at him.

"You will fight with our companions" Hoseok looked back at his companions pointing at them "And then..." he paused as he and his leader looked in the eyes who were now glowing in red "You fight us".

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