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Therian Pack is one of the most ancient Pack in alla North America. They have earned the rispect of every single pack in their area.

The first Alphas were Connell and Daciana.

Connell became Alpha by his own strength. He always had been pure as gold and he surely owned the Alpha's title as it was his right from birth.

Daciana was just like him. She was a pacifist. She used her werewolf power to helped anyone who needed help. Humans included.

She was one of the few female Alpha as they were very rare.

They were loved by everyone and they raised a very powerful large pack, living in armony with the other werewolves.

On year, Daciana found out she was pregnant.

The couple was so happy and decided to throw a party. Everyone were invited to celebrate that moment.

So much joy, so much happiness, it was just perfect.

Nine months later, Daciana gave birth to their daughter : Asena.

When the baby opened her eyes for the first time they were amazed.

"How is this possible? She's just born how can she have red eyes?" Connell said in surprise and a mix of happiness and doubts.

"I don't know my dear, it's a miracle!" cried out  Daciana huggin her baby with all the love only a mother can give.

For the first time in werewolves history a pure Alpha was born. And she was a female. This was not just rare, till then everyone thouth it was a myth.

"A pure female new born Alpha, never heard such a thing I fear. I thought it was only a legend, a forgotten myth."
Nava was one of the eldest and wisest werewoves still alive, he had seen and heard everything. But this.

"I don't think it is good for a baby being an Alpha. Too much power and if they are not able to control it, it could overwhelm them." Said the old werewolf concerned.

"Nava you saw her, she's already four and she is wonderful! She's not dangerous or a threat for us." Daciana was in love with Asena, how blame her after all.

"I hope you're right my Lady" saying this he caressed Daciana's hand giving her a light smile.


"Asena wha...what did you do?" Connell breaking voice filled up the hall.

The little girl just looked into her parents eyes. They were shocked.

"They wouldn't paly with me" cried out the child while pointing at the corpses that layed on the blood wet floor.

"Honey, can't kill the member of our pack, they are our family" Connell raised his voice letting anger filled up his words.

Daciana was horrified by what her nine year old daughter had done. She just starred at her with her mouth wide open.

Suddenly Connell stormed out towards Asena who with no possible explanation shape shifted her self into a wolf.

The two Alphas were freezed. It was impossible, the child was only nine and normally it would have took another year before she could shape shifting.

Asena charged her parents.

"ASENA ENOUGH!" Connell lost it and transform his self into a Snow White wolf. He was three times bigger than his daughter.

Daciana wasn't a fighter, she hated the idea. But she needed to stop her husband to kill her beloved Asena.

She didn't turn in a wolf, she just did what every mother would do. She put her self between the two fighting dogs.

It took only a few second before Connell realized that the thing he was biting, was his wife.

He immediately turn back human. He was shocked.
Asena stopped her attack too. Now that she was steady Connell looked at the wolf in front of him.

"No this can't be, how it is poss..." he chocked on his words as he puked something on the floor. Wolves bane.

Connell collapsed onto Daciana lifeless body and one last thought passed through his mind:

"when did she poisoned me? How she could this to us? This is not my daughter, this is not Asena. she....a black wolf".

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