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Tora's head was spinning and hurted like hell. She tried to open her eyes but all she could see was black. She felt that her mouth and throat were dry. Her breath was heavy like she was suffocating. She couldn't move her body. Tora felt so weak. She doesn't remember anything except for Jungkook smiling at her. Then black.

"Where am I? What happened to me?" She asked someone was going to answer.

Suddenly her stomach ached and she felt the need to throw up. Which she did. "Ew, that sucks" She said in disgust after she puked something on the floor. She still couldn't see anything so she just kept her eyes shuts. Tora tried to move her hand to wiped her mouth. And then it hit her. She was tied up.

Tora raised her head feeling the pain growing. She forced her eyes to open and after a few seconds the black turned into a blurred view. "Well it's something". She kept them open to get them used to the dim light. "Wha...What the fuck?" She couldn't believe it. Handcuffs, they put her handcuffs hooked up with chains.

"Creepy.. " She raised her eyebrow while looking at both her hands. There were abrasions on her wrists, where the skin was in contact with the handcuffs. They hurted but Tora could handle it.

She took a look around the room she was in. It was quite dark so she decided to use her wolf's eyes. She took a deep breath and she focused. "What?" She was surprise to discovered that her wolf eyes weren't working . "Great they're broke" she scoffed.

Tora gritted her teeth and sighted in discomfort. "Malia please...I'm cold, I'm in pain, I'm scared...please" her breath trambled. In that moment a door opened and a figure appeared. The door closed again. Dark cames back and she heard footsteps getting closer. Her heart was going crazy. She was terrified.

When the footsteps stopped she could say it was close, too close. Whitout warning a light was pointed right into Tora's face. She quickly shut her eyes. "Ugh, you wanna blind me? Because you're doing it well" Sarcasm was her respond to fear.

"If I wanted to blind you I could have taken your eyes off, don't you think?" he said.

She freezed hearing that voice. She knew that voice. She faced him and "Jungkook" Tora gasped as she started crying. "What did you do to me?" She was loosing it.

He starred at her with guilty eyes. "I kidnapped you. I chained you and... well...". He gazed at the floor and said something. "I'm...I'm sorry, I didn't wanna hurt you." He paused "but you are just the perfect bait".

"Bait? For what?" She was shocked at his words. "You mean, for who" he looked deeply into her eyes and his glowed in red.

"Malia" Tora whispered so lightly that she almost didn't hear herself. But she knew he did heard. "You used me..." She felt betrayed.

"You're a smart girl aren't you?" He smiled poorely at her. Anger started filling Tora's body, she breathed in and out, her lungs hurted but she didn't care as she yelled "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM HER? LEAVE US ALONE! " She leaned foreward growling in pain.

The door opened again and a deep voice said "Jungkook, she's here, let's welcome her home, you're coming?" He looked at her one more time for then he left. Last thing Tora heard were Jungkook's footsteps go away.


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After two hours of riding, finally Malia and Lilith had arrived at the positon indicated in the map. It was a beautiful place, into the nature, just like Malia's home.

"There it is" Lilith pointed at the mansion in front of them. The gate was opened an Lilith did not hesitated to cross it while givin gas. Once in front of the house, Lilith stopped and leaned the motorcycle on the stand while she and Malia jumped off. They take off their helmet and took a look at the house. It was huge.

The fact that there were no guards, allarmed Malia who took out the gun from the inside pokect of her jacket.

"It's quite...too quiet. Something's wrong." Malia started going upstairs to reach the front door. Lilith didn't say anything as she followed her.

Malia pointed her pistol ahead as she got closer to the big wooden door. "It's open". Lilith was growing impatient and she decided to go impulsive. "I'm sorry Malia but.." she passed her "WAIT LILITH NO DON'T YOU SMELL THE..." and she opened the door with her bare hands. Even if she was an Omega, she was really strong, and Malia recognized that.

The door opened and Lilith was taken by surprise. There were two men waiting for them on the other side. They were standing in the middle of the hall pointing their guns in their direction. "Hi girls" said one smirking. He shot.

Whitout even the chance to react a dart hit Lilith's chest making her bend for the pain. "UGH...SHITTO..." while she was falling Malia immediately went to her and shielded her with her body growling towards the boys. Even if they kind of hated each other Malia's instinct was to protect Lilith.

A second dart was shot but she dodged it. "She's fast" the other boy smirked at her "But how fast?". He shot another dard but Malia managed to dodged it again as she responded at fire with her gun. She aimed and fired.

"AGH...mhh" the young man looked at his arm and laughed "Ow what a pity babe, it's just a scratch" he turned his gaze to Malia and started walking toward her aggressively. "Give me a second Yoongi, I'm 'bout to have fun".

Malia knew that she had to fight. She stood up and got a little away from Lilith who had fainted. She didn't want her to get more hurted during the fighting.

"Let's play uh?" he said as he threw the first punch. Malia dodged him and began hitting him in the stomach not caring that his free arms were gripping her legs.

With a heavy thud she fell backwards as the boy climbed on top of her and began throwing punches. Malia managed to dodge some but was hit several times. Her nose was bleeding. They struggled as they tried to hit and scratch each other with their claws.

Malia was still down and with sarcastic tone she suggested "Let's switch what do you say?" she wrapped her legs around the boy's body and with all the strength in her body she turned him making him hit his back on the floor. Now she was the one punching.

Malia's eyes glowing red, her fangs were on display as she growled while keeping punching the young man. Her knuckles were covered in blood, part of her, part of the boy's.

They had been fighting without stopping for 20 minutes and neither of them showed signs of giving up until the boy yelled "YOONGI! I HAVE ENOUGH OF THIS".

"I thought you wanted to have fun, I was enjoying the show of her kicking your ass" said the other guy who was watching the scene and which Malia had completely forgotten about.

"DO IT...AGH" the boy was realizing that the girl he was fighting wasn't just an ordinary werewolf-girl. He had forgotten that he was fighting a female Alpha.

In the same moment there was a shot and Malia blocked as she felt the cold needle of the dart stick into her waist.

She rolled off the young man as she started loosing consciousness. "Li...lith" she whispered and the last thing she heard in her ear was "sweet dreams babe". All went dark.

Sorry for the long chapter, I hope you enjoyed it!

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