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"Non solum amantes soulmates"

Malia fell with her left knee to the cold floor. Every inch of her body hurt me but she refused to succumb to the pain. She instead stood up and with difficulty started walking towards the boy who was hurting her friend.With her big surprise he immediately turned the knob, interrupting the electric discharge and walked away.

Tora was unconscious, probably she had fainted due to the electric shock. Malia panted as she was now going after Tora. Once she was in front of her, she immediately unchained her. It wasn't easy though. Those chains was made with a silver alloy and even if it wasn't pure silver, it still burned. Malia, infact, hurted her hand by doing that but she didn't care that much. She pulled with all her strenght and first one then the other, the handcuffs and chains were broken.

Tora's body fell dead weight in her arms. Malia leaned her on the ground and cupped her face while warm tears started falling from her eyes. "Tora! Tora open your eyes! Come on babe!" She shooked her but she didn't move.

Lilith was in shock and never talked as she watched the scene. Same for the four guys. They never spoke up a world since Malia broke free. It was like they wanted to see what her next move would have be.

Maybe was instinct, maybe was desperation but without even thinking, Malia grabbed Tora's forearm and started absorbing the pain. Pain, again. She wasn't sure of what she was doing but she wanted to save Tora. Even at the cost of living.

"Yoongi hyung stop her! If she die what are we gonna do?!" Growled one of the boys to the one called Yoongi. Apparently he was the eldest of the four. "She won't die. If she is what we think she is, then she's not gonna die." He simply replied.

Malia gritted her teeth while that black fluid run through her veins and into her body. "Come on Tora! I'm here for you please don't give up!" Malia was crying but she was also angry. In that moment her mind had been diverted by fear and pain. She tightened her grip, speeding up the process that seemed to last forever.

After almost twenty frustrating minutes Tora woke up suddenly panting and looking around with terrified eyes. In he moment she met Malia's face she threw her arms around her "Malia! I was so scared!" she said sobbing in the crook of her neck. "It's okay! It's okay. You're safe now." Malia hugged her back while she glared at the four boys who had remained motionless staring at them.

Lilith restarted to breath normally, now that Tora was finally safe, and as she sighed, she too turned her head towards the boys, practically killing them with her eyes. "I swear to my family. I will have revenge." .

Malia broke the hug and connected their forehead like she did in the past. But this time she said something dfferent, something deeper. "Testor ego sum ut eruam te tecum vita mea." Malia said those words with a strange accent, one Tora has never heard before. "Whatever you said, I will simply smile and nod" They laughed, like they were forgetting their situation.

"I swear to protect you with my life. It's an ancient oath. It's Latin...I think" she smiled while caressing Tora's head and wiping away the tears on her cheeks. As she turned her head Tora remaind of Lilith who was still chained. But she was smiling. "Oh don't worry about me, I'm big and strong, I can handle this." Lilith said that in a sarcastic way that made Malia smirked.

"Soulmates...just like us" The man who had fought with Malia broke the silence with that sentence."We were right. She is a true born Alpha. Hobi, free the girl, we're taking them to Namjoon." Yoongi order to the guy on his left who immediately obeyed setting Lilith free.

Malia and Tora immediately went to her to make sue she was okay and not hurted. Tora hugged her and Lilith hugged her back. While hugging, Lilith looked at Malia and whispered with her lips so that Tora wouldn't heard "Thank you". Malia was surprised but she just smiled lightly and nodded.

"Okay enough, we gotta go. Our leader is impatient to meet you girls." Said Yoongi while opening the door motioning with his head to leave the room. Tora and Lilith looked at Malia as if to seek guidance. She stood up waving to the girls to stand up behind her.

"Where are we goin? What makes you feel that we trust you after what you did to us?". When Malia pronunced those words the short guy stormed towards her with his fangs showing and his red eyes. "You will do what you are told to do" he growled in her face. She held his gaze.

Malia wasn't afraid of confronting other Alphas, she stood proud not lowering her head. This attitude seemed to annoy the young man who, smirking, walked away and stooded beside the door. "Ladies first" he bowed, indicating the exit with his arm and smiling arrogantly.

Malia and the other girls started slowly walking out the room leaving behind the nightmare they had just lived. The door closed and someone said "You really are a pabo, I can't believe you're my best friend". There were giggles and after that silence fell.

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