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"AH!" Malia woke up gasping. Her chest moving fast up and down. "Ugh..that dream again" she rubbed her eyes and ran a hand through her disheveled hair. The light of the sun was passing throught the curtains, lightly illuminating the room.

Malia looked around her and found an alarm clock on the bedside table. "Why didn't I notice this before? Oh whatever let's see..." she grabbed to look at the time. Seven am. "Mhhh, I have to go to...FUCK" in that moment Malia realized she had been skipping the Uni for almost two days.

"How can I be so stupid to forget about it, I even told my brother i was full of study...what was I thinking? " She said as she jumped out the bed and went looking for some clothes. "I need to call Uni and tell them I'm sick. Oh but what I'm going to say?" she was panicking, she had never skipped school before.

"Hi, me and other two students are sick all together passionately, I don't know when we're going to hill, BYE! UGH THIS IS JUST PERFECT!" Malia was now talking by herself while looking for something to wear. After she pratically threw all the clothes on the floor (my god what a mess), something finally caught her attention making her stop thinking about the Uni problem.

A pair of super comfy grey sweatpants, just perfect for her. "Oh yeah, you are just right for me" she grabbed them and put them on. "Now let's see if we can find somet...FOUND IT" she pulled out a white shirt.

She took off the T-shirt she was wearing and with the other clutched in one hand went to the mirror. Only that there was only half mirror. She looked at herself in what had remaind of it and contemplate her outfit. "Oh this is super adherent..." she was about to take it off when someone knocked. Well we all know who is this.

"Shit! YEAH COMING" she yelled as she understands she had no more time to change and that she had choice but to wear that revealing shirt. When she opened the door, the familiar face of Hoseok smiled at her "Good morning babe, did you sleep well?" he said.

"STOP calling me like that!" she growled as she exited her room and started walking down the hall toward the stairs. Hoseok just chuckled and walked behind her always keeping an eye on her. Only when she looked at her with more attention he notice she was barefoot. He raised his eyebrow but didn't say nothing.

Ten minutes later they arrived in the lunch room and with absolutely nocalanche Malia took her sit and started eating. A strange silence filled the room, and when she took a sip of coffee raising her head, she noticed that everyone was looking at her. She took a quick scan and yes, every single eye was on her.

"What?" she asked shyly, but immediately realized that it was for the shirt she was wearing. That shirt highlighted the curves of her breasts and waist. She had relatively large breasts and she didn't like getting that kind of attention too much, which is why she mostly wore much larger sweaters or sweatshirts.

Tora and Lilith were already there and even both of them was looking at her with a strange expression. In two month of cohabitation, Tora realized only now that she had never saw Malia with something like that. And that was really strange. She took a look of her from her shoulders to her waist. "Wow" she thought.

Malia started blushing, she wasn't confortable with all those male eyes on her and Namjoon had notice it. "I didn't you you were so full of surprise mhmh" Jimin chuckled as he nudged the black haired guy which Malia thought answered the name of Taehyung, next to him. He anyway smirked for then turning all serious.

Namjoon was looking at them with red eyes and growled "If I were you, I would apolagize. NOW!" silence fell as the two boys lowered their head. He was not the only one who was starring at them with anger. Hoseok was too but he remained silent.

Malia turned her head toward Namjoon "It's okay, this kind of stuff doesn't bother me really" she tried to sound as confidente as she could but she was lying to herself. Tora could sense her embarassement so she leaned next to Malia's ears and whispered something to her. Malia smiled like she was reassured by Tora's words.

"No it's not okay, they need to learn bring you respect" Namjoon replied her with a way more soft tone. Malia lowered her gazed in understanding before his words brought it back to him "By the way" he started "today's training is about your skills as wolves, Jimin and Taehyung are the best so they'll take care of you girls this afternoon. Now with your permission..." he smiled and stood up, followed by Jin and the others.

"See you later baby dolls" Jimin smirked at them and blinked as he walked out the room.

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