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It has been two weeks since the girls had accepted their new condition, and things weren't so bad. Sure they still had a lot of trust issues with some members of the pack but otherwise their requests had been answered in all respects. 

Now the girls could roam without their supplies, train together, and had access to training rooms whenever they wanted. Namjoon had returned their phones to them, which made the girls very happy. Malia had already warned the University saying that she and two other students would follow the lessons from home, using a rather trivial excuse but the only one that came to mind.

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On that day Tora and Lilith had decided to practice weapons. Tora had improved a lot with her knives and she was starting to become familiar with the Katana; Lilith, on the other hand, had found it difficult to use the rifle, she was used to the bow and arrows, not to bullets and triggers.

As for Malia, she wanted to focus on strengthening the fight, locking herself in the room they had learned to be a kind of gym, full of punching bags and muscle-building tools. "These guys knew their thing about keeping fit" she had thought the first time she walked in.

She was punching against a big punching bag in black leather, her knuckles were bandaged and her hands were red as she was taking them over the limit, spending hours and hours just tiare pricks that produced a dull thud against the leather that together with her breath , filled the air of the room as the sack rocked violently back and forth. 

As she pounded hard, the anger slowly began to take control of her and when she reached her limit, she exploded. She bent her body to the left and with a scream of fatigue she delivered a right kick that sent the punching bag fly to the ground, detaching it from its support. 

"DAMN IT!" she scoffed angrily putting her hands on her head and with one she untied her hair in a high ponytail. Her hair fell, wavy, down her back, the red tips contrasting with the black of the technical T-shirt she wore along with black leggings that reached mid-calf. She was, as usual, barefoot. 

The room was now silent, only Malia's heavy breath could be heard. In the silence Malia heard a faint rustle, like a door opening and closing quickly and soon after she found herself having to dodge an attack from behind. She moved quickly to the left, ducking and responding with a lightning-fast kick to the ground. The first thing that was heard immediately after was a thud.

"AGH! Damn you're faster than I remember" 

Malia recognized the voice even before she looked his attacker in the face. She raised up and turned to him. Hoseok was still on the floor gazing at her with a smile on his lips "So? won't you help me get up?" he said shrugging his shoulders. Malia rolled her eyes as she turned her back to him and walked towards another punching bag.

Hoseok sighted and stood up noticing that one punching bag was on the floor and not on his support. He glanced at it and scooted his gaze on Malia with a surprise expression "Did you do that?" he asked pointing at it as she just looked at him with a blank expression "I was angry...indeed, I'm still angry" she replied stiffly. 

He started walking toward her and when he was right next to her he put himself right in front of her. Malia didn't want to be disturbed during her training and continued to wrap her hands, ignoring his presence. Hoseok had noticed it and threw a right punch on the sack next to them. The thud made Malia jump slightly, now she was looking up at him. They stared at each other when he spoke "well, then vent that anger, show me". 

With that the young man went to position himself in the raised square that was the ring and turned to look at her while he waited for her. Malia sighed as she reached him confidently and then stood in front of him on the affixed side of the ring. At that point they both assumed the fighting positions, their presences changed and the atmosphere became tense.

Without warning Malia made the first move, attacking him first, throwing firm and precise punches. Unfortunately for her, Hoseok was second only to Namjoon in that house when it came to hand-to-hand combat. He dodged them all with apparent ease but Malia didn't give him a second's respite, switching to the kicks and elbows that finally hit him.

With an uncommon speed Hoseok turned the situation upside down, making a hold that knocked Malia to the ground, him blocking her arms and back with one knee. He was really strong. She swore she could hear him chuckling as she struggled to free herself from that grip.

"Not bad" he paused, then he leaned close to her head and whispered "you're fighting like a girl babe" and he giggled. In that moment, however, he did a big mistake: he had let his guard down, and in that single split second something happened that he would not have expected.

With all her strength, Malia managed to free one arm and with the help of her legs she freed herself by hitting the young man in the ribs with her leg. He pulled away in surprise and also in pain, his kicks were really powerful, and in an instant he was on his back. At that point Malia climbed on top of him, pinning his wrists on the ground.

They stayed still staring into each other's eyes, their breaths mixed, the only thing audible was their panting with fatigue. In that moment it was as if time had stopped, Malia was feeling weird as she thought she didn't want to take her eyes off him. Then as she woke up from a tranny "I told you not to call me that" she said growling and then freeing his wrists and pulling herself off him.

The young man sat up as he watched her get up and walk towards the door "thanks for the vent" that was the last thing she said before leaving him there alone. Hoseok lowered his head sighing and then ran his hands through his hair "What was that? What just happend?" he thought as he got up and adjusted his clothes.

"What the hell just happend?" 

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