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There was a general silence for a few moments and Malia looked around smiling "Well? Why those faces?" she asked, almost amused to see the questioning expressions. "Are you sure you're, okay?" Yoongi asked raising an eyebrow not convinced by the girl's behavior. Malia turned right away to face him "Totally" she shrugged giving him a weird smile as she wasn't expecting such a question.

The girl moved closer to Tora and Lilith; both took a step back not understanding who that person in front of them was. Malia didn't even notice that, actually, she completely ignored the two girls, like she didn't know them or something, "So?" she asked again cracking her knuckles smirking. After a few seconds of hesitation, Namjoon explained again the training and then he divided everyone in two groups.

The first one had Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Tora and Lilith while the second one had Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook and Malia. The groups were organized in manners that the two young omega and kitsune stick with the older of the pack, while the experienced Alpha stick with the youngers of the pack. Each part could help each other out, sharing advice so to get better.

"This is gonna be fun" Jimin whispered gazing at Lilith and Tora, eager to confront them. "Back off" Malia stood in front of him "The Kitsune is mine" she said scooting her gaze from him to Tora who was busy in listening at Jin. Even Jimin got worried about her behaviour, she wasn't herself, there was something wrong. He turned to Taehyung who nodded as he understood what he was referring to.

"The first round will be..." Namjoon looked around smirking mischievously "Lilith, aaaand..." he looked at the other group "Jimin-sshi" he pointed at his younger motioning to come forward. "The rules are simple; you have to knock out the opponent ..." he stopped to look at both "without causing serious damage" he glanced at Lilith who looked at him with a questioning expression "What?" she shrugged as if to show herself innocent. Namjoon smiled and behind her also Jin was smiling; he had been watching her since they were out.

"Whenever you want" Namjoon announced the start of the challenge. The two challengers looked at each other as they went round as if to study each other, "This time I will not be too gentle" Jimin provoked, smirking at her for then suddenly shape shifting into that wolf with the orange sunset fur. Immediately afterwards Lilith did the same by revealing a silver gray wolf that contrasted perfectly with her blue eyes.

The air filled with their snarls and the snapping of their teeth. They circled in circles for a few more seconds and then the first move was Lilith who leapt at Jimin who barely had time to respond to the attack. The two wolves found themselves rolling on the ground amidst barks and growls as they tried to lock each other to the ground. Lilith's training during those months had paid off, she had become stronger, faster and more determined even in her animal form, managing to better control her strength and concentrate it where and when she needed it.

Lilith's change caught Jimin off guard who by underestimating her was not using hIS full potential, and although he outnumbered Lilith, the she-wolf was putting him in trouble. In fact, without realizing it, it was he who was on the ground unable to fight her. "TIME" Namjoon yelled to warn of the end of the fight. As she heard it, Lilith immediately took off from above Jimin and turned human again, casting a look of full satisfaction and pride at the wolf who was still on the ground staring at her almost in disbelief.

"I see that your training has done you well, I'm amazed and also proud" Namjoon smiled at her and to his surprise she returned the smile. He had never seen her like that and was delighted. "Jimin get your ass up" Yoongi laughed under his breath along with Taehyung and Jin. "You were great!" Tora exclaimed high fiving her friend who was still smiling "Yeah well ... he deserved it" she said laughing when someone called her. "Lilith" was Jin approaching with a smile that could have killed someone from how beautiful he was "that was amazing" he winked at her and then he went back to his spot.

"What was that?" Lilith asked Tora who was already planning their wedding "He likes you baka, you can see it a mile away" Tora said as if it were obvious "You will be great together" laughed the girl. Lilith blushed suddenly "What the fuck are you saying? I remember you that I have a boyfriend" she crossed her arms and Tora snorted "Yes ... that lives on the other side of the world".

It was time for round two and Namjoon was about to decide who would challenge whom, when Malia volunteered. There was silence, she seemed to have not finished speaking and in fact she was. As she moved towards the center of the area, she turned her head to Tora who for an instant felt her bowels freeze. "Show me your powers, kitsune". The two girls looked into each other's eyes and Tora felt like she wasn't looking at Malia, her friend, her Alpha. Malia took a step backward and with that she turned into a black wolf growling, showing her white fangs as she raised her head to look even bigger than she already was. Even if they already know, the whole pack was not used to see another black wolf beside Jk. And Malia was a girl.

Tora didn't even the time to realized that she still couldn't shape shift and that she had no idea how to use her power or how she could ever win that fight, that she found herself under the black wolf. Malia didn't hesitate. She threw herself with all her strenght on the girl who in reflex putted her hand forward as to protect herself from the wolf attack.

Nobody could predict what would have happen next. In the very moment when Tora raised her arms as if to defend herself and her hands touched the body of the wolf now above her, a flash illuminated the whole area, blinding everyone. It took a few seconds for them to get up looking around as if disoriented, not understanding exactly what had happened. "Are you all ok?" Namjoon asked scooting his gaze on all his companions and then on Tora who had remained motionless with her gaze fixed in front of her.

"What the fuck just happened?" Yoongi asked while rubbing his eyes; no one answered, not that anyone had the answer. When she opened her eyes, Lilith run to Tora, still on the ground with Jungkook on her side with the fear in his eyes. "Tora! Are you okay?" she asked her friend who could only whispered "Malia?". They all turned in the direction her eyes were stuck on. Malia was human again and lying unconscious on the ground a few meters from them.

A/N. HIIIIII oh my god this is becoming quiet difficult to write but I WILL FINISHI IT! 


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