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Once she reached them Laurent stopped and the pack right after him.

They were covered in blood and wunds. Some of them limped while supported by the other members.

Tora didn't stop her run and went straight to Malia who was on Laurent's back. She had passed out, but she was alive.

"What the hell happened out there?" She could heard her voice breaking whie looking at those deep wolf's eyes who seemed to understand her pain.

"We have been attacked by...well actually I have no idea of what those three monters were. I'll need do to some research." Just said Mark absentely looking straight ahead in a pensive manner/way.

Tora grabbed Malia's hand as they kept walking silently back to the house.


When she first opened her eyes, Malia only saw a white light which blinded her and she quickly closed them. She tried to sit but the pain was just too strong.

"Ugh...shit" she scoffed while trying to open her eyes, successfully now.

The recovery room. That's where she was.

"T..Tora?" asked Malia with a faint voice so quiet that it was impossible for her to herd it.

Leaning with her head over her crossed arms on the edge of the bed on which the injured girl lay, Tora was sleeping next to her.

It was only in that moment that Malia felt her right hand gripped by Tora's hand. She smiled at the view. Her Beta was there. Her friend was there.

"Hey, Tora sweety get up." Malia shooked her gently.

"Mhhh...wha...Malia? MALIA YOU'RE AWAKE!!" Tora screamed out wrapping her arms around Malia's injured body.

"OUCH! Yeah I'm happy to see you too're hurting me you baka!" said Malia playfully while breaking the hug and cupping Tora's face that was wet with tears.

By doing this, she connected their forehead and whispered "Thank you".

They got apart as Malia realized "Tora...for how long have I been here?"

Tora sighed "Almost twenty-four hours. Today is Sunday, now it's four in the afternoon to be precise"

Malia nodded as she leaned back on her bed.

"Hey, you awake!" Suddenly someone said out loud.

"Mark" Malia looked at him while he entered the room.

"How you doing?" asked Mark walking towards her and Tora.

"Fine...I guess...ugh, my back and chest hurts like hell" Tora rubbed slowly her hand on Malia's shoulder while she hissed for the pain.

Mark smiled while looking at her as he said the diagnosis "Well That's normal since you've got two chrushed vertebrae and four broken ribs"

"I long will take for them to heal?"

"Actually they already are. Your healing process is amazingly fast Lia"

Lia. He used to call her like that when they we're kids. Malia liked it so she never complained.

"Mark, where is Laurent?" she asked.

"He is resting, don't worry he'll be here as soon as he awake"

Malia moved her gazed to the door. Tora just looked at her with her big brown eyes.

"Do you girls want something? I was about to take a snack from the kitchen, do you want anything?" Mark asked looking at the two girls.

Tora wasn't hungry anymore, she was only worried about her friend.

Malia suddenly realized that her throat was dry "Uhm well actually I'm kind of thirsty...I'd like some water thanks Mark."

The guy nodded as he walked towards the door and Malia said out loud "With lem.." She was cutted off by Mark who finished the phrase "Lemon, three ice cube and a straw, I know."

Malia smiled lightly at him and he did the same as he left.

Mark knew almost everything about Malia. It was understandable since they've grown up together. He knews her habits, her tastes and her preferences. And most important of all, he knew he loves her. Deeply.

"That was kind of creepy...but also romantic i have to admit that." Tora looked into Malia's eyes and smirked.

"What?" Malia raised her eybrow to her friend.

"Oh come on...don't tell you didn't notice" Tora crossed her arms as she smiles at Malia's face.

"What are you talking about?" she was confused.

"OMG MALIA! Wake up he's in love with you!" Tora exhaled in struggle.

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