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That was it. That was their occasion to escape from there and Malia knew it that if they failed, there would be no other opportunities, ever. She was already thinking about what would have happened to them in the worst of cases and that instead of discouraging her, prompted her to make the plan work. But what was the plan?

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"Okay this is it. We are going to escape, this afternoon during the training in the woods" Malia started talking "this is our chance, here what we're gonna do" she was getting exited as she started explain her plan to Tora and Lilith.

The girls remained silent as Malia talked. "Tora I will carry you" she looked at her and Lilith intervened "Whoa whoa, I get it you're her Alpha but why can't I carry her?" she raised her eyebrow challenging her.

Malia sighted and with a very calm tone she replied "Because I'm stronger and faster than you, and you know it". Lilith rolled her eyes annoyed. She knew Malia was right, she just didn't wanted to admit that.

Tora was a little hesitant but she really wanted to leave that place, and so did Lilith. "I'm in, even though I wanted to kick their Alphas ass but...I guess it's better if you look after Tora" Lilith said in agreement with Malia who was sincererly surprised by that.

"Wait what if they're too strong, what if you get hurted? What...I don't" Tora felt like a weight on her chest at the thought of what would have happened if their plan failed. she was sure, they would die.

Malia put her hand on Tora's shoulder "Hey, we can do this. I promise We're going to escape together, okay?" she paused as she smiled lightly as if to comfort her but at the same time she tried to hide the fact she was worried too, it was very dangerous and she knew it.

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"You will be given a three-minute advantage" Taehyung started explaining "The game lasts fifteen minutes, if within this time we manage to catch you, you have lost" he said with a blank expression. "I will give the order, get ready".

Malia concentrate all her strength in her paws, in order to ensure full power during the run. She growled and she leaned her body back to give herself a better sprint as she could sense Tora's hand increasing the grip on her fur.

"You better run" Taehyung said with his low voice. "RUN!". With that, the games started. Malia and Lilith sprinted toward the wood running as fast as they could. Darkness fell around them as soon as they stepped through the trees.

Lilith was very fast but she still had some difficulties keeping up with Malia. She understoods why Malia wanted to carry Tora, if she brought it, it would slow her down further. When Malia was sure they had gone far enough, she barked at Lilith letting her know it was time to part ways.

The two wolves looked into each other eyes and Tora looked at Lilith as she parted from them. Tora pushed down her body and tightened her grip on Malia. She closed her eyes and hoped that the plan would succeed trying to convince herself that shortly thereafter they would already be free.

Meanwhile outside the woods, Jimin and Taehyung waited for the three minutes to expire. Only one minute left. Jimin was already in the starting position, eager to hunt them down. On his side, Taehyung had not yet transformed. "Time" he finally said.

With a powerful growl Jimin rushed to chase them and with a blink of an eye he desappeared into the trees. Taehyung took his time, walking towards the woods with no rush. No one could immagine that he had already figured out in what direction Malia was going to.

Jimin immediately recognized Lilith scent but he wasn't expected to discovered that she was alone, he understoods they must have parted. He gritted his teeth in anger as he howled while keeping running after Lilith. Something was wrong and he wanted to assure they couldn't escape. He fastened his run in order to reach her as soon as possible.


Lilith was running as fast as she could, concentrating all her strenght in her paws. She had good stamina in running since more than once she had been forced to run for her life, this time was no different. Or so she thought.

She was so focus on her escaping that she didn't realized that Jimin had already reached her. A sound like a broken branch, distracted her and bring her back to reality. She turned her head left and right taking a quick scan of the dark woods around her. Nothing.

No. There was something. A scent, a very strong scent. In that moment she realized one of the two Alpahs was right after her and he was getting closer with every seconds. Now she could heard his paws on the ground and his light growl.

Fear started filling her animal body, her blue eyes continued to scan the trees. She knew that if she had look back she would have slow down and she couldn't afford that. After a few seconds she decide to howl to warning Malia. She raised her head a little, opened her mouth and...she fell.

Before she knew she was pushed and thrown to the ground.

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