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With a well-placed kick, Malia flung open the back door of the mansion, stepping in with an unsteady step toward the lobby. "MALIA ARE YOU KIDDING? You can't kick doors in those conditions, slow down you idiot!" Lilith was right after her, worried now for both of the girls.

"I have" Malia didn't even finished the sentence when she fell dead weight on the floor, not before bringing her arms forward so as not to fall on top of Tora. "HEY!" Lilith screamed out not knowing what was happening. It happened all so fast.

Jimin and Taehyung run towards them, understanding now that the situation was more serious than they thought. Lilith hesitated a little as Jimin lifted Tora up "COME!" he ordered while walking down the hall. "Wait.." Lilith turned to Malia who was on the ground, blood running out her shoulder.

"Stay with her" she whispered raising her head supporting herself on her elbow painting for the fatigue. Taehyung leaned towards her "Here, allowd me" he took her arm and put it around his neck, then helped her up. Malia was reluctant in recieving help from him but she knew she couldn't stand alone.

"So now you're helping me? Don't you think you've done enough?" Malia spitted out in a bitter tone that not even she expected. He hesitated before repling "You were about to escape, I had to do something to stop you". Malia stayed silent, she didn't know what to answer and she was not in the mood of arguing so she limited to scoff and let him help.

After not even ten minutes, Malia's view began to blurred and began to stumble more and more.

"WHOA!" with fast reflexes Taehyung grabbed Malia into his arms before she could fall. He lifted her "Shit, you're loosing too much blood" he fastened his pass "And it's my fault" he kept repeating that to himself, still, not explaining why he felt that strange.

"Why aren't you healing?" he asked but recieved no answer. Fortunately Malia wasn't passed out, she just fall asleep, probably she was tired from all that stuff they went throught. After all it was comprensible since she barely slept in two days and put herself under stress.

Finally they arrived in the main hall and he went directly to a big wooden door, it was the door that conduced to the room they used as infermery. In that moment the door opened and Hoseok exited only to see Taehyung walking towards him, holding Malia into his arms.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" He growled to his friend "BEFORE THE BETA, NOW HER?" he was angry but he tried to cover that. "There was an accident, she's fine, she's just not healing" Taehyung passed him not caring about his feelings and entered in the infermery.

They were all gathered there near a bed that was occupied by Tora, still unconscious. Jin immediately turned and jumped to the bed next to Tora's, preparing it "QUICK! Bring her here!" he ordered as the younger obeyed, laying Malia on the bed.

Lilith raised her head only to see Malia unconscious body carried and layed down on the bed right next to her. She didn't say nothing while assisting at the scene, keeping holding Tora's hand.

Jin was the only one of them who knew something about medical procedures so he went to visit the girl and deduce a diagnosis. He took a look at her shoulder and at the wound from which vermilion blood kept pouring. "What happened?" Jin looked at Taehyung with red eyes as he lowered his head not knowing what to say.

Meanwhile, Hoseok was returned and went straight next to Jin, "Why isn't she healing?" he asked trying to sound as calm as he could. The older frown his eyebrows in discomfort "I dont' know" he paused "The only thing I know is that we need to stop the blood so now, do whatever I order, is that clear?" he command as he, and even Taehyung, nodded.

"I KNOW THIS WOULD HAPPENED, THEY TRIED TO ESCAPE AND SO WE STOP THEM!" Jimin's loud high voice filled the room right followed by another much deeper voice. "YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO STOP THEM, NOT HURTING THEM!". Silent fell after Jungkook spoke, his eyes red, his fangs were showing as he growled to Jimin.

Namjoon quickly put himself between the two litigants "ENOUGH BOTH OF YOU!". They starred each others in the eyes before Jimin stormed out the room, leaving everyone astonished by his temper. The leader turned to Jungkook who was now calming down and without even notice found himself looking at Tora.

"Hey? Are you okay Cookie?" Namjoon asked almost worried about the reaction Jungkook had before and now he understands why. Maybe Jungkook didn't wanted to admit it but both Namjoon and Lilith, could tell that young man had feeling for the girl. "Yeah, I'm fine" he simply replied walking out the room.

"What a drama" Jin said annoyed raising his eyebrow while preparing a syringe of coagulant "Good, this should stop the blood" and he leaned close to Malia's shoulder and gave her the injection. The others remaind silent, Hoseok for some reason holded his breath.

"Done" Jin said all satisfied of his job. "How soon do you think she'll wake up?" Namjoon asked as he moved next to Jin, looking at the blood-soaked bandages They'd applied to her just before. "Actually I don't know, maybe tomorrow" he sighted "She needs to restore her strenght".

They all turned except for Hosoek who remaind still, gazing at Malia while the others moved towards Tora's bed. On his way, Taehyung stopped and too a look behind him for then turning back to his companions. "What about her?" Namjoon's voice asked in the background.

"Oh she will be fine soon" Jin established nodding "I can say that her healing process is quiet slow but, yeah, she's just resting I mean she must hit her head pretty bad" he then gazed at Taehyung who seemed elsewhere with his head. Jin was about to opening his mouth when a sudden voice broke out.

"For fuck's sake what were those annoying noises?!"

They all turned in surprised, even Hoseok, only to see that one of the beds was occupied by someone else.

"Yoongi?! What the hell dude, you were asleep all this time?" Jin scoffed out not knowing if laugh or what.

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