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"Tora, wake up!" a voice echoed into Tora's head making her jump, "UH? Yeah I'm aw..ake" she replied with her eyes still closed. "Are you feeling good?" Jin asked her while stuffing a muffin into in mouth. Tora yawned and stretched her arms "Yeah I'm sorry it's just that I haven't sleep that much tonight" she just replied scooting her eyes to Jungkook who was smirking knowing that he was the reason.

That morning Malia didn't show at breakfast, but the others didn't blame her, after all she was having hard time so the understood if she wanted her spaces. "Have you heard from Malia?" Namjoon asked the girls with concerning eyes as they shacked their heads "No, nothing" they sighted "Actually we wanted to go see her, if it's okay" Tora said not breaking the eye contact with Namjoon. He smiled a little "Of course, but then come outside, in the backyard", the girls didn't reply to him, only nodded for then standing up and going to the stairs.

"She won't listen to them" Hoseok let the words came out of his mouth not caring if the others could hear him. "Hobi, you were nervous all morning, what is it?" Jin asked his brother a little annoyed from his behaviour. Hoseok looked at his hyung for a couple of minutes, "Nothing, it's nothing" he then stood up and stormed out the room. "Jeez" scoffed out Yoongi while drinking his black coffee "Don't worry hyung, I'll talk to him" he said nodding at Jin who was annoyed and concerned at the same time.

"Okay, you knock" Lilith scooted behind Tora who was now standing in front of Malia's room door. With her fist close, Tora knocked three times. Nothing. "What do you want?" Malia's voice echoed from inside the room, leaving the two girls a little shocked from the tone of her voice. She seemed angry, severe and... different. "Malia, please let us in" Tora tried to sound as caring as she could, hoping that her friend would open the door for her. But it didn't happen.

"Go away...please" her voice now was softer, and it sounded like she was trying to keeping them away from her. Tora and Lilith looked at each other now more concerned for their friend, "Malia...let.." when Tora tried to ask Malia to let them in, she couldn't know what happened next. "I said...GO AWAY!" a roar filled the air making their heart jump, there was someone in that room, but it wasn't Malia, that wasn't her voice, Tora knew her roars and growls more than everyone there, and no...that wasn't hers.

The girls without saying a word walked away still shocked from that voice they just heard, Tora's eyes were about to filling up with tears, but she was growing stronger, and she managed to catched them back. They stayed silent till they reached the others in the backyard as Namjoon said before. "So?" himself asked as he saw the girls approaching them, but he noticed the expressions on their faces "What happened?".

"She won't come" Lilith just said quickly gazing at the ground not wanting to say more. There was silence for a few seconds and when it started to becoming heavy Jin broke it "Well, it's okay, she needs time" he began but Tora and Lilith didn't move or say anything "Okay so, let's begin" he finished understanding that they didn't want to talk about it.

"So, since the only who had see you as wolves, well at list you Lilith, are Jimin and Tae, today all togheter we'll work on your wolf skills" Namjoon started explaining the morning training "Tora, since we found out that you have a different nature, we will try to bring out your Kitsune form" he addressed to Tora who nodded not hiding the fact that she was eager to achieving all those Kitsune skills Malia explained to her. Malia. The thought of her made her feel sad. "She needs time".

"So basically, we'll have to fight as wolves" Lilith stated self-assured not showing fear, looking directly at Jimin who smirked back. Last time those two confronted as wolves, Jimin won the fight and Lilith couldn't wait to take the rematch. "Are you afraid to lose again?" he teased her as she looked at him with her blue eyes growling lightly. Namjoon sighted "There will be no losers of wines, it's just a training so easy Jimin" he gazed at his younger brother as like to warn him not to anything stupid.

In that moment a door slammed, catching everyone's attention. They all turned in surprise just to see that girl walking towards them with a smirk on her lips. Malia approached them self-assured, her eyes were looking at everyone but at the same time at no one in particular. Even if she seemed to be fine, her presence was changed, even her scent was changed just a little but enough for the others to notice.

As she moved close to them, Tora felt like she didn't know how to behave; was she supposed to say something? She didn't know what to think. Just a few minutes ago she seemed like she didn't want to leave her room, like she wanted to be left alone. But now she was there with them and she also seemed okay. "No, there is something wrong...this scent..." .

She stopped right in front of Namjoon, looking into his eyes without stopping smirking "So, shall we begin?" she asked as her eyes glowed in red. There was a girl between them that looked exactly like Malia, but they had no idea of who she really was. 

A/N. I know I'm sorry, I'm really busy studying for uni and I don't have much time );  btw THANKS FOR 1K VIEWS I DIDN'T EXPECT THAT THANK YOU SO MUCH! 

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