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"What is goin...OH MY GOD, LILITH!" Tora screamed out while running toward that tall girl wrapping her arms around her as she returned the hug.


Malia was now confused. Who is this girl? Why she was in their appartment and how the hell she entered?

"I missed you so much, you could have write to me you bitch" Tora joked and laughed along with Lilith who was still smiling. She suddenly stopped and looked into Malia's eyes.

"It wouldn't be a sursprise don't you think?" Replied the tall girl.

Malia was standing behind them and putted her gun back in the pocket never looking away from Lilith.

"I hate to interrupt this magical moment but..who are you?" Malia asked.

The girls broke the hug and the tall girl walked closer to Malia. "I'm Lilith. Lilith Collins, and you are?"

"Malia. Malia Jones. Can I ask you how you entered in our appartment?" Malia was becoming unpatient.

"I'm sorry, 'our' appartment? I live here." Lilith answered with arrogance.

Malia looked at Tora not understanding what was happening.

"Uhm, okay okay. Malia...Lilith is my best friend. We moved in here two years ago, we were both exchange students but then, after one year, she had to move back to America due to a family problem.

"Why didn't you just told me before?" Malia was calming down...mostly.

"Wait, you haven't told her about me? Why?" Now was Lilith who was getting pissed.

"Lil I didn't know you were coming back, I thought that maybe the less I thought of you the better it was for me." Tora looked into Lilith eyes and Malia could tell she was telling the truth.

"Okay...I believe you. Now, I'm tired I'm go to bed, goodnight baka. Night Malia, this will be fun." She smacked a kiss on Tora's cheek and glanced at Malia while walking into her old room. Malia's room.

Tora was smiling, she was so happy her best friend had returned into her life. She turns her head to Malia only to find her starring at the direction Lilith went. Her smile vanished.

"Malia? You okay?" Asked shyly the girl. "Look I'm so.." she was cutted off.

"It's okay Tora. She could stay as this was her place and we have space. But know this : I don't trust her." Malia Looked at her and got next to her putting a hand on her shoulder. "Goodnight bae".

"Before I go I have to ask you something" Said Tora trying to sound as natural as she could.

"In the said you smelled something...what did you smelled? I can't recognized scent good like you...I mean..ugh nevermind" Tora walked away leaving Malia still as a statue in confusing.

All the three girl were in bed. Well Malia was sleeping with Tora.  A nightmare as both of them needed space for sleeping and Tora was a kicker. Malia was about to rip her legs of as she continued to move into the bed.

"Stay calm. Don't kill her. I know you want to. Don't."

Malia's killer thoughts were suddenly interrupted by what Tora asked her before going  to bed.

"What did she mean whit that? She smelled Lilith scent too? Did she understands? Mh."

She wantend to keep thinking for an answer but fatigue took over as she falls asleep.

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