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About twenty minutes later they were all seated at the table eating lunch prepared shortly before their arrival by Laurent and Mark themselves. The air was tense despite everyone trying to pose as normally as possible so as not to arouse any suspicion on either side.

Malia was doing the best of her by praying that Jungkook's sweatshirt sleeve wouldn't go up to reveal the tattoos she had on her right arm. The only thing that filled that unbearable silence was the endless questions that Laurent was inflicting on the two alpha intruders that his beloved little sister had brought into their house.

"So..." he began "How long have you known my sister?" Laurent asked sharply looking the two boys straight in the eye. "Not too long actually" Jimin replied confidently as she took a sip of wine "we all met less than a month ago" he smiled for then looking at Malia "Am I right?".

Malia nearly got a piece of meat wrong. She hadn't planned any involvement in that affair and, after turning a murderous look at the blond boy who was smiling at her waiting for her confirmation, she turned to Laurent nodding with a big smile on her lips "Yes that's right".

"How many boys did Malia bring into your house?" Jimin asked without the slightest shame. Malia immediately raised her head looking at him with killer eyes "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" what was wrong with that guy?

Laurent did know how to answer since he had remained surprise by that inappropriate question, but fortunately Malia intervened with loud voice "Laurent! You know we found out that Tora has some magical power? Isn't that cool?" she tried her best to ignore the gaze of everyone in the room, only focusing on her brother.

"Really? Well now I'm curious, what are these magical powers?" fortunately the argument Malia had brought up, catched Laurent attention making him forget about the question Jimin had asked him before. "Tora?" Malia called her friend who had been in silent since the begging of lunch. "I... I apparently can give off electric shocks from my hands" she said shily to Laurent who was looking at her with curiosity.

"Uh... it seems familiar to me, once finished here follow me to the bookshop, I want to investigate more about these electric discharges" he said while returning to his plate almost empty.


"WHAT? No way!" Malia expressed all her surprise in hearing what her brother just found out about Tora's power. "Wait, what?" Tora asked not understanding a single world of what they were talking about. "It's just that...I should have known I mean; you don't have a different scent from us but..." Malia seemed almost shocked, but she was smiling in creepy way that made Tora worried about her mental health "you're not like us" ended the Alpha girl.

"What do you mean I'm not like you? Then..." Tora paused "What am I?" she scooted her gaze to Laurent who gave her a light smile "You're a Kitsune". At those words, a strange silent fell in the library, every single eye was pointed on Tora who had her worlds changed. "A... Kitsune?" Lilith, Jimin and Jungkook asked simultaneously, ignoring what a Kitsune was.

"It's a very powerfull ancient creature, the Fox with nine tails!" Malia showed her friend some pictures from a book, explaining what it was and what its powers were. For Tora were too much information to accumulate in only five seconds, she needed her mind to stop. "Malia, I... I don't understand, a Kitsune? Why? How?" she had so many questions on her mind in that moment.

Mark, that had keeping silent, now talked "I think it's because we simply don't know what scent has a Kitsune so we couldn't recognize your true nature" he shrugged looking at her. "Wait, we had never heard about any kitsune here in South Korea, how do you explain that?" Jimin asked putting a hand on his hips acting all arrogant.

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