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That morning seemed to go rallenty for Malia and Tora who were both still half asleep.

One last lesson and it would be over.

After an incredibly slow hour the girls were finally free to go. Tora run out as she was late for work (as usual), while Malia walked home.

In her way, something catched her attention. A smell.
A very strong smell. She knew that werewolves have differents scents in base their grade : Alpha, Beta and Omega.
This was an Alpah. She was sure because it was the same scent of her brother.

Her heart beat started getting fast. All those memories became to take over. All the pain. "Stop it please. Stop!".
Malia's breath was heavy for the fear and she started running.
She didn't even make two meters that she crushed onto someone.
A young man, incredibly handsome.

He had mid long black hair who suited perfectly with his face. He was tall but not too much. The tux he was wearing fitted perfectly with his all body.

Even if she was shocked, she realized that the scent was filling her nose now that she was close, too close, to this beautiful young man.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention" Malia weeped out as she washed away the tears from her cheeks.

"Don't worry...are you okay?" Said the young man grabbing Malia's cin between his fingers making her look into his eyes. His bunny smile disappear as he seemed surprise and opened lightly his mouth.

"Yes thank you, again I'm sorry" she said controlling her voice and starting to walk away to her apartment.

"What the hell just happened?!".

In the afternoon Malia studied passing between math and oriental culture. She was still in shock for what happened before. "Another Alpha? If there is an Alpha it means that there is a pack. I should tell Laurent".

06.00pm. "Senpai I'm HOOME, miss me?" Tora smiled as she hugged Malia's back humming together.

The bond there is in between Malia and Tora is stronger than blood relationship. They are like sisters but more.
They are Alpha and Beta. Bound for life.

"How was work little brat?" Yawned Malia while getting up from her desk chair.
Tora looked at her with her blue Beta eyes and growled
"Boring as usual, but they pay me so.." Tora stopped as she looked Malia in the eyes.

"Uhm Malia, why are your eyes showing?" asked Tora with concern in her face.

"What? My eyes are not sho..." Malia panicked in the same instant as she run in the bathroom finding that her red Alpha eyes where actually showing.

"For how long are they showing? Did the young man saw them? Okay I need to calm myself down".

Malia took a deep breath, closed her eyes and try her best to control her feelings. After a few minutes she opened her eyes up and fortunately they were back green.

In that moment the phone rang making Malia jump a little. She took out her phone finding the name of her brother on the display. She smiled and she answered.

"Hey big bro!" she said in a playful way.

"Hey, how's my little sis doing?" he respond in a sweet way. He was really fond of her, she was his life.

"Uhm I'm always. And you, how are you?" she tried her best to sound normal but Laurent knew her better than she did.

"Malia what's wrong? Something happened?" his tone was still sweet but at the same time concerned.

"Yeah, I mean...Laurent today I smell an Alpha". Malia took courage and told her brother what happened that afternoon when she had that weird encounter with the handsome young man.

"Laurent? Are you there? You know if there's a Pack here?" Malia insisted not hearing answers from the other line.

"We'll talk about that when you'll come here Saturday, now I have to go little one, I love you". He hanged up without letting her replied.

"I..I love you too" she said as she put the phone in her back pocket.

"Is everything okay Malia?" Tora asked still concerned.

"Oh yeah don't worry sweetie..uhm I think I'm going to bed now okay? Good night I love ya". And with that she smaked a quick kiss on Tora's forehead.

01.00am. I can't sleep.

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