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The four young man were already in the dining room with exception of Jin, Hoseok and Jungkook who who had gone to call the girls. Only that the girls weren't in their rooms. 

They turned immediately back to dining room storming in as Jin went straight to Namjoon. "Where are our guests?" Namjoon asked them severly. "They are not in their rooms" Jin simply replied. "They cannot be escaped, it's impossible" Jimin said in surprise standing up all angry.

In that same moment some giggling were hear as the girls all entered. All three stopped in seeing the seven young men looking at them all seriously. "Where. were. you?" Namjoon asked angry at them with his red eyes. 

Malia took a step foward and replied "It's my fault. I took Tora back the shooting range and...well let's just say that she already has improved. She just needed the right words" She said and at last scooting her gaze to Yoongi while smirking. 

"I admire your altruistic gesture. But you are not allowed to wonder alone in this house untill I decide it. Is that clear?" He said with a light growl. Malia nodded "Perfectly, it won't happen again" she stiffly replied as she took a seat. 

The dinner proceeded quietly and soon it was bed time. Like the night before and that moring, the three girls were escorted to their rooms, not before saying goodnight. Jin and Lilith left first, then Jungkook with Tora and last, Hoseok with Malia. 

"Wait Hobi, I will escort Malia tonight, you can go." Namjoon ordered his compain who immediately obeyed. Before he walked away he looked one last time at Malia for then desappearing around the hall corner. 

Namjoon turned to Malia and extended his arm towards the stairs " Shall we?". They talked a little on their path, Namjoon asked some simple life question to Malia who didn't know if took them seriously or what. She didn't trust him so she tried to be as much vague as she could. 

When they arrived to Malia's room he asked her one last question "May I come in?". Malia's heart skipped a beat and he noticed that. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you or anything. You can trust me." Malia didn't know what to say. A part of her only wanted close the door ad lock it. But at the end, she let him in. 

Once they had enter, Namjoon took out a phone and handed it to Malia "Here, a promise is a promise" he said giving her a soft look. Malia without even thinking grabbed the phone. It was her phone. "Be quick". She nodded as she brought the phone to her ears. "Thank you" she whispered. After a few seconds an answer. 

"Malia? Hi sis it's late, are you okay? Something happened?" 

Malia couldn't help it but feeling happy in hearing Laurent's voice.

"Hi big bro...yeah I'm fine and no. I just wanted to hear you since you pratically kicked me out last time"

She said with a little laugh. She could hear him laughing too.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry about that...I hope you will come back next weekend so we can.."

Malia cutted off before he could say anything else.

"I don't think I can."

She said trying her best to stop the tears and to control her voice. Silent. She fast added

"I have a lot to study for Uni, there will be exams soon so...I'm sorry".

Laurent sighted on the other side as he said

"What? Are you kidding me? Don't apolagize for being a good student Lia. I understand and I' m so proud of you little one. Really."

His voice was so soft. 

"Thank you big bro. Now I think I'm going to bed. Goodnight, I love you"

She said right in time before her voice broke.

"Goodnight sis, I love you too, always."

He hanged up. Malia took a deep breath and lowered her head. 

"I understand this is very difficult for you Malia, but I promise you three will be happy here." Namjoon said while moving next to her. "May I?" he gently took Malia's phone from her hand and put it back into his pocket. "Goodnight" he said while opening and closing the door behind him, leaving Malia alone.

Malia felt sad. She realized she would probably never see her pack again. But Malia was not one of those who give up easily. "And I promise, we will escape at our first occasion" she said whispering to herself but responding at the promise Namjoon just said to her.

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