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"I wanna see the others, where are they?" Malia asked while Jin helped her jumping off the bed "Hunting, they will come back in three hours I guess" he said checking his watch. It was 09.00AM and the only thing that was in Malia's mind was to see Tora and Lilith...and breakfast. Her stomach was empty and it was begging for some food, "So do you wanna breakfast?" Jin asked all happy making Malia smile "please I'm starving" they chuckled a little while walking out the room and dawn the hall.

"How are your legs?" he asked as they went downstairs "better, I'm starting to feel strong again" she simply replied for then stopping at the bottom of the stairs. Jin turned to her "is everything alright?" his face changed and he started to grow worried. "MALIA!" two voices together screamed from down the hall, they didn't even the time to understand what was happening that Malia founded herself wrapped in a warm hug.

"Hei little ones I'm so happy to see you" Malia opened her arms wrapping the younger girls. Tora tightened her grip not wanting to let go, her head hide in the crook of Malia's neck, her scent made her feel nostalgic, like she hasn't sense her in a long time. It was so comfortable. On the other side, Lilith found her self enjoying that moment. For the first time she felt like she belonged to somewhere, and that somewhere was Malia.

"HEY HEY HEY! I hate to interrupt this magical and very touching moment but my patience here needs some tranquility" Jin spoke up with a ironic tone that made everyone laugh, he had the brightest smile on his beautiful face and Lilith couldn't stop staring at him. They all walked to the breakfast room, once they took a seat the room filled with chats and laughs, Jin made breakfast serving on the table pancakes, coffee, biscuits and some slices of a cake "Here we go enjoy".

"Oh right I almost forgot" Tora spoke up grabbing Malia's arm "wait" she said all enthusiastic while stooding up and running out the room all uncoordinated. Lilith looked at her with a surprised expression "What a cute little elf" she chuckled between herself returning on her black coffee, "What was that?" Malia and Jin asked her together, both pointing at the door with a raised eyebrow. "I guess she wanted to give you something I dunno" the girl replied not caring at their questioning expression.

After more or less ten minutes the footsteps of Tora were heard down the halls as she run into the breakfast room "HERE HERE HERE!" she screamed all happy putting a small package on the table right in front of Malia. Jin was more curios than the girl as he stood up and walked next them so he could see better. "OPEN IT OPEN IT!" Tora was so excited that she was growing impatience and so was Jin, on the other side Malia was calm and was looking at the happy creature on her side all smiling.

"What is it? What did you do?" She asked her friend while unpacking the little package, she took off the paper that revealed a small box, like the ones that were using for jewelry. Malia wasn't a fan of jewels and Tora know it very well but this was something different and she was hoping that Malia could appreciate it. "You know I don't like jewels" Malia said with doubts in her voice but Tora was just smiling.

"OH FOR GOD SAKES OPEN IT I'M DYING OF CURIOSISTY HERE!" Jin exclaimed impatience sounding like a drama queen...which he was actually. "Alright alright" Malia chuckled and lifted the cover "Oh". On the inside there was a necklace with a wolf made of wood stuck withing a stone, and not just a stone but it was a Java stone, Malia's favorite. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Tora said all happy hugging Malia, who was staring at the precious jewel her beta just gifted her.

"IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY?" Jin jumped in his spot all happy, if there was something he loved was birthday parties. Malia didn't know what to say, her eyes were still locked down even if her view was blurred for the tears "It's beautiful" she said turning slowly to Tora and hugging her tightly "I'm so happy you like it" she muffled in her neck.

Malia broke the hug, she took the necklace in her hand motioning Tora to help her lock it on her neck, scooting a little her hair so they wouldn't disturb. Once Tora was done, Malia turned to all "How does it look?" she said smiling and Jin assumed a judging pose "mhm I think..." he paused "it suits you, I like it" he said giving her a sweet smile, "Yeah, tall guy is right it suits you" Lilith spoke up smiling lightly, though Jin didn't let go the tall guy thing "Careful yang lady" he said with sarcastic voice.

Even if it didn't seem like, Jin loved having them there, they remember him of when Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook were smaller, when he had to be like a mum for those three little monsters, not that he ever stopped behaving like a mum, but now with Malia, Tora and Lilith, that feeling had returned and he felt all brand new. "Anyway, Happy birthday Lia" he said finally taking a few step forward and hugging Malia, Lilith did the same but with less touching.

"I can't wait to tell the others" he said while sitting on his chair on the other side of the table. "Oh no there's no need, please, you..." Malia wasn't a fan of her birthday but still she was happy that she would have been with her new friends. Yes friends, that was the first time she realized what they had become to her. "Lia, I'm sure the guys will want to celebrate, we are grate with birthdays so let us give you the best birthday, it's the less we can do" Jin talked with such gentle and sincere tone that even Malia, stubborn as she was, convinced herself.

"Okay, once the guys will come back we will tell them" she smiled lightly. A piece of chocolate cake caught her attention. She grab it and place it in front of her, then she did something she wouldn't expected from her : she took a toothpick and stuck it into the cake "Do you have a lighter?" she asked Jin who went to get one. He handed to her, he watch the girl lighting the toothpick with a questioning expression. When the flame was high Malia put down the lighter for then bending foreword "Happy birthday to me".

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