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That evening, the dinner passed quite quietly, sure, you could still feel the tension and probably would have felt it for a long time. There was little talk, Namjoon asked the girls about their day and when Lilith remained silent with an absent look, it was then that Malia felt something.

Before he could even think a voice broke that silence "She was with me, I took her outside so she could tests the arrows". Jin spoke louder than he wanted making everyone present look up to him. "Oh, I see" Namjoon replied him "and how were them?" he asked gazing at Lilith who didn't moved her eyes from the plate. "Uhm, good yeah" Jin quickly answered for then stuffing a mouthful of food into his mouth. 

After that no one spoke again and soon it was time to go to bed.

As she walked to her room, Lilith was still lost in thought, that fire so close still burning in her head and more alive than ever. Something had awakened in her. A dream or perhaps a memory that has been hidden and forgotten for years. 

As soon as she entered the room, Lilith went straight to the bathroom and turned on the hot water to fill the tub. A hot bath was what she needed after such a day, soaking in hot water would help calm her mind and perhaps chase those voices out.

Now the silence was torn only by the constant flow of water as Lilith undressed looking at her figure in the mirror, caressing the now faded scar under her left breast with her fingertips. She wasn't sure how she got it, she just knew that it was the testimony of a difficult and troubled past.

The only weapon that could leave scars on werewolves was a weapon made of silver. A wound from such a weapon could leave indelible marks on her skin and Lilith had one. A horizontal wound no more than ten centimeters long right on the left rib. She hadn't told anyone about that scar but not because she was ashamed of it or anything, simply because it was personal, too personal even to be shared with Tora, her best friend.

"SHITTO!" she screamed when she realized that the tub was full and that the water was now pouring onto the floor. "Damn it" she snorted as she turned off the taps and then spread a towel on the ground with which to dry the lake that had formed. "You know what?" she said talking to the bath tub "screw this" and with that she plunges into hot water, letting more water flow out of the tub.

She soaked for about an hour. After she left, she emptied the tub and wrapped herself in a towel and then walked out of the bathroom and threw herself on the bed with a big sigh. She stayed there staring at the ceiling for a few minutes before getting up again to turn off the lights. 

She threw herself back into bed again with the towel around her wet body and got under the covers. She fell into an eerie silence and Lilith felt suddenly restless. In the moment she closed her eyes, a fire started burning. Voices. People were screaming into those flames. What was happening?



Although She tried to deny it, She knew very well who those rumors belonged to. They were her parents who died in a fire when she was still a child. She didn't remember much of that day but the flames and their desperate voices telling her to escape were still vivid inside her. She had managed not to think about it for all those years but now, those memories had exploded in her mind just like the red arrow.

"Please...stop" Lilith cried out while her voice was about to break and warm tears run down her cheek wetting the pillow. She hated herself for crying, she didn't like that, she was not used to cry. She learned to be strong by herself, she took care of herself in the last twelve years and she established some rules. 

One of he most important rule was not to get attached with anyone, in this way she would not suffer if she lost that someone. Obviously the rule was broken when she met Tora two years ago. She was the first of her to treat her as her friend and give her what she needed from her. Pure and simple affection. Something that has been missing in Lilith's life for too long. 

Lilith was not the careless and bitter girl she wanted to show the world, that was a protective mask that she had built over time. She was actually a good person to whom very bad things had happened and this had marked her, perhaps forever. Even if she didn't show it or admit it, she was slowly growing fond of that girl who, although he didn't know, had already taken her under his wing, protecting her and treating her like a friend. 

At those thoughs, a smile appeared on her lips and those bad memories started to fade giving way to fatigue. "Thank you again..." she whispered "Malia" and with that she closed her eyes and fall asleep.

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