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All they could hear was the echo of their footsteps as the walked through those huge halls. The three girls walked escorted by Yoongi and the one called Hoseok, who were in front of the group, and the other two behind them. They had cut their escape routes.

Malia couldn't help it but looking around her. That house was truly stunning with antique paintings and furniture mixed with an elegant and refined style. For a few moments her mind started getting lost, wondering what and how many secrets were hidden there. She was fascinated by that environment, but she didn't trust the hosts.

Suddenly, Yoongi stopped and knocked at this huge wooden door "Wait here". He then opened the door and desappeared for a while. Malia looked at Tora and Lilith who were holding hands. Worry in their eyes. They had no idea what was going to happen but they tried their better to stay calm.

Lilith was growing impatient "Do we still have to wait a long time?" she scoffed wearily. Malia and Tora looked at her with wide eyes. "Quiet. We'll wait as long as they want. Don't think you can behave like you usually do in here." Malia fired her with her red eyes.

Even if she was an Alpha like those young men, she didn't want to start a war. She didn't know how many they were, rebelling was too risky. They could have died if they challenged their patience. Malia and Tora understood this but it was different for Lilith. It was as if she didn't realize what danger she was putting them in.

"I'd listen to your Alpha, she seems to be really smart" The one called Hoseok said to Lilith who replied immediately "She's not my Alpha...I don't belong to anyone." She held his gaze, not being afraid of looking into his eyes. He smirked lightly and returned serious "You'll learn to bring us respect."

The door opened again and Hoseok motioned the girls to enter in there. It was a sort of meeting room, only it had an ancient style. The walls were decorated with innumerable gyros and columns carved in a dark and shiny wood. In the center of the room, a wooden table with at least twenty seats for each side.

Malia was admiring the room she'd just walked in

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Malia was admiring the room she'd just walked in. Suddenly a deep voice broke the silence bringing her back to reality. "Welcome." A tall young man was standing at the head of the table. His face, Malia knew him. She recognized the face she had seen on the file at Laurent's house. She didn't remember the name but she knew he had to be the leader. There were other two men with him in the room and one of them was Jungkook.

When Tora saw him she immediately avoid his gaze, hiding behind Malia. She felt bad for what he did to her. She was about to cry but Malia took her hand make her jump a little, she immediately calmed down taking a deep breath.

"Please, have a sit" The tall young man gestured with his hand toward the table.

Tora and Lilith looked at Malia who nodded giving consent. They all sat down in silence, the girls on one side, the boys on the other, except for the leader who sat at the head of the table. Malia sat on his left while another man, with broad shoulders, on his right. The others next to him in succession.

An awkward silence fell all around. Suddenly the one recognized by Malia as the leader spoke up "First of all, I want to apologize fo my men. I am aware of their behaviour towards you and trust me when I say that it was not my intention to make them go that far." He paused looking straight into Malia's eyes, not blinking.

Malia gave a quick look at the seven boys in front of her. She felt the regular beating of his heart, a sign that he was not lying so she just nodded lightly without saying anything. She believed him, somehow his presence reassured her.

"Right, I'm sorry, where are my manners? My name is Kim Namjoon, leader and smarter member of Bangtan Pack." He smiled while he pronounced those words and then he continued entroducig the other member of his pack.

"This is Kim Seokjin, he is my second in charge and also he takes care of more or less everything." He put his hand on his fellow's shoulder. And what shoulders, they were huge. "Our gunman Min Yoongi, I think you know him already. He is our best shooter and he will train you with guns." Yoongi just stayed silent not giving signs that he cares about well..anything. Namjoon continued "Our best hunters, Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin." They both smirked at Malia who was staring at them with fiery eyes. "Last we have Jung Hoseok, who will be responsable with me of your fighting training, and Jeon Jungkook who is our strategist. You already know him I guess."

Namjoon glanced at him and then looked at Tora. She was looking down with a blank expression while Malia holded her hand growled lightly at Jungkook. She was litterally killing him with her red eyes and Lilith too with her blue eyes.

They were all silent now, waiting patiently for Malia to answer. They didn't expect her to answer right after, but Seokjin suddenly asked "Since we're in the mood for introductions, I think it's fair that you do too". Malia hesitated, not sure if she could trust him at least. No, she couldn't obviously, but she needed them to trust her and the girls.

"My name is Malia Jones, she's Tora Akabane, my first and only Beta. She's Lilith...uhm" Malia had a slip of memory but Lilith ended for her "Collins. My name is Lilith Collins". She rolled her eyes annoyed. Malia pointed at her confirming the answer "Yes that's right. Lilith is Tora's bestfriend and she is an Omega, she's not part of my pack." Malia established stiffly.

Yoongi scoffed out "If she's not bound to you then why you tried to protect her before? You're not her Alpha so why risking for a miserable Omega?". Malia's eyes gazed at him with anger as she replied "She may be an Omega and not a member of my pack. But she is important to Tora, which made her important to me. Is that clear?".

"It's comprensible." Namjoon paused for then started talking again "I think it's enough for tonight, we'll talk tomorrow morning." He got up slowly and walked towards Malia escorting her and the girls out of the room. "Jin, Kookie, Hobi, show our guests their rooms." He ordered.

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