Part 19

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A few minutes pass. Andrea can feel exhaustion taking over her body that was full of adrenaline only minutes before.

She realizes she can get back to her life. She can finish school. She realizes he's going to expect her to be his in May though. She breathes out I can handle that. I can get my masters and from there I'll be more than happy to be his. She can only do this though because of the man sitting next to her.

"Thank you by the way." She whispers out the window.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you." Raphael says and takes her hand.

"Thank you." She turns to him. "For what you did back there."

He takes her hand back and laces his fingers through her's and kisses the back of her hand. "I felt like I might have over reacted."

"Well thank you." She's still staring out the window.

"I do have questions though about some of the things that were said."

She rolls her eyes and she feels Raphael's hand tighten on her's when she does. "Raphael, honestly I'm exhausted it's what 3 AM? Can the questions you have wait until tomorrow?" She glances at her phone and notices 10 missed calls from Raphael and 2 message from Miguel.

"I should probably get back to him." Andrea says out loud.

Miguel: call me now

Andrea: I'll text you when I get home.

Raphael takes her chin in his hand and lifts her eyes to him. "I suppose my questions can wait." He looks so disappointed it makes her heart hurt a little.

She shakes the thought out of her mind and she turns her head again and looks out the window. Exhaustion takes over and she quickly succumbs.


The next morning light feels like it's bearing down on Andrea. The bed she is on is soooo comfortable but the sheets feel to smooth and soft to be her's. When she moves the bed doesn't creak. She opens her eyes and light is streaming through the windows. Dark gray sheer curtains drape around large windows that show a beautiful view of the bay. She hears movement and turns to the sound. Her stomach drops.

Raphael walks in, sweat glistens on his body. He has no shirt and his sweat pants hang low on his hips showing a perfect V. She swallows and her lower half tightens.

"Scusa I didn't mean to wake you up." Raphael says walking towards her.

"You didn't." She whispers wide eyed. "Where am I Raphael?" A smidge louder.

"My place." He says watching her reaction.

"Is this your...?" She asks unable to say the rest of the question.

"Yes" he looks at her entertained.

"Did, did we? We didn't right? I wasn't? I can't remember." She looks at him mortified.

"We didn't have sex. You were exhausted and it was either I walk you up all of those stairs to your apartment or an elevator ride to my bed. My bed made more sense." He sits in front of her on the bed.

"Where did you sleep?" She asks still quiet.

"Right here." He pats next to her.

"I could've slept on the couch." She whispers.

He laughs low and leans closer to her. "There was no way that was going to happen."

"Oh" she whispers.

"Feel free to hop in the shower through that door." Raphael looks at her. She appears queezy. "It should make you feel better."

She nods. Her stomach is beginning to turn from anxiety and alcohol from the night before. "Don't you need to shower?" She's eyes him all sweaty.

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