Part 94

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Everything has fallen into place over the last few weeks. Invitations have gone out. Photographer has been vetted, booked, and has signed an NDA. Same for the videographer, florist, wedding planner, decorating staff, caterer, bakery everyone has gone through a very rigorous process to be able to be a part of our wedding. Today is the day though. I'm picking out a dress. 

It's been rare for us to be out in the open all together. Not that we haven't been out together. We're just normally covered up by our security team, the guys' team, and the guys. They can't pull off a large public stunt here.

Does all of this make me feel anxious? Yes but I know it's for our safety.

I shake my head to clear the anxiety away and smile. Miguel squeezes my hand, noticing my concern, with reassurance as we walk into the brown brick, white framed pop up boutique that Eddy insisted we meet at. We're quickly shown behind a curtain to a beautiful sunken seating area with curtains for a changing area and a little bar with food lined up.

"Ah Isabella always good to see you my dear." A young man that has to be Eddy Milano brings Izzy in for a hug and kisses her cheeks. He glances to me and his smile grows wider. His smile is infectious and I can't help but to smile back. He turns and takes my hand and kisses both of my cheeks. "And you must be Andrea. Finally! Raphael is a hard man to work with. He has very specific requests, so picky. I'm glad I can finally work with the muse. You're going to love the dresses I have for you to try today. Absolutely love them." Eddy loops his arm into mine and takes me further into the room. Countless wedding dresses line the room and one area has bridesmaid dresses as well. Perfect, most of my bridesmaids will be here.

"I thought you said there would be a few dresses..."

Eddy looks around the room worried a little. "I wasn't sure about what we were going for so I brought everything. There are a few that I've designed for you to try but I wasn't sure of your style or anything. I know what Mr. Mariano likes to see you in but I don't know what you like."

I look around again overwhelmed. "I'm sure I'll find something."

Miguel and one of our security team is sternly talking to the shop owner. They all keep gesturing down the hall. I look over and Miguel frowns and nods his head for me to focus on the dresses. Then he goes back to arguing. When I peak back he's talking on the phone shaking his head and seemingly gets frustrated. I avert my eyes before he realizes I'm watching. Unease creaks up my back. I smile at the dresses and Miguel walks back.

"Everything alright?" I ask him.

He softens then looks back at me. "A security concern that's all. Raphael wants you to enjoy dress shopping though and so do I. Even though I would've preferred it in his penthouse instead of here but it's fine. Enjoy the day mi amor." Miguel nods then looks back at our security.

Isabella and Stacy have already started pulling dresses for me to try. Natalia is pulling bridesmaid dresses.  I pick up a glass of champagne and laugh as Isabella shoves me towards a changing room to start trying on dresses. I down my glass and step into the curtained changing area.

I'm pretty sure I'm trying on dresses to pass time. Eddy Milano keeps saying there are a few he's saving for last that he designed himself for me. I have a feeling that one of those will be the one. Natalia and Isabella are trying to convince me to have three dresses. I feel like it's a bit overkill but they're insisting so not only am I looking for a wedding dress but also one for the rehearsal and one for the reception. Honestly I'm not sold on the reception dress. I don't know if I'll want to change out of my wedding dress if it's perfect.

I walk out in a dress that I know isn't the one when a thud sounds down the hall. Isabella and Natalia turn as one of our guards goes down the hall where the bathrooms are. One of the other's steps closer to us as he keeps his eyes down the hall. The lights go out and a few pops sound off making someone scream. 

"run." Our guard speaks. It was soft yet we all understood what it meant. Run. Run and run now. We turned to the back door that is behind the changing rooms. Emergency lights lead to a back door and Miguel is pushing us out. "Move, move, move. We have to get yall out of here." Eddy is holding our door open as the rest of us run out.

A black suv sits in the alley that the door leads out into and the suv door opens. I pause and wait to see who is driving. It's impossible but we'll have to try to run if they aren't one of ours. Isabella grabs onto Stacy just in case we have to run.

"Get in!" Orders Miguel.

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