Part 73

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God she's beautiful. I snap a picture of the two of them and send it to Raphael. He'll be pissed seeing her in that teenie tiny bikini. Those are my girls, my family, my life. This feels right. It always has. When Andrea is here the house feels complete.

Andy and Daniella walk back from the water to the cabana and the wet golden swimsuit makes everything glisten on Andy's body making her look like a beach goddess. A very pale beach goddess. Her summer tan has faded and New York has made her normally tanned body turn a pailed white. It's been like that since she moved there. It was even worse when she didn't come down for over a year.

"Look who decided to join." Daniella teases as they walk up.

"I had things that needed to be taken care of sis. But I made up for it by bringing margaritas." I smile to my sister.

Dani and Andrea walk faster to the cabana to pour themselves a drink. The sun hasn't quite set yet but it's going to make out to be a beautiful one. Andy has her drink and I wrap my hand around her waist and pull her down next to me. She squeals and the proceeds to elbox me in the ribs. Daniella and Andy start talking about plans for this week. Her family will be down on Thursday.

Andy's phone starts dinging with messages.

She scrunchess her face up confused. Ah Raphael must've seen Andrea's bikini pictures that I sent of her. "How did he..."she looks all around and back confused at the phone.

"I might have sent him a gorgeous picture of you and Dani in the water." I stroke the string of her top where it hits the top of her rib cage.

"What why?!" She smacks me and I flinch laughing.

"Because!" I laugh at her as she pushes me again.

"You're such a trouble maker." She shakes her head at the phone and types away.

We spend the next few days working and laying on the beach. Miguel is in and out of the villa pretty often and when he comes back he normally slides in next to me shirtless and distracted into which ever cabana Daniella and I have commandeered for work.

Saturday Andrea

I snap a picture of mom and I and send it to Raphael.

Raphael: You get your beauty from your mother.

I blush and type back.

Andrea: I'll have to tell her that.

I show the message to my mom and she smiles a little. "Yes well it's not untrue."

"Mama!" I elbow her.

"What I know I'm gorgeous. Darling am I gorgeous?" She calls to my Dad.

"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever met." He smiles back after her.

"Mama!" I laugh and shake my head. They've been here for two days now and it's been the best. We haven't been on a vacation all together in a long time. Miguel, Dad and Matthew are intently watching a soccer game at the bar while Miguel's mother, Daniella, my mother and I sit at our table looking out at the beach.

We get back to the villa and eat dinner. The guys decide to do some sunset fishing and Miguel's mother and my mother decided to go for a beach walk. Daniella and I sit in bikinis soaking up the rays. My skin color is getting back to normal according to Miguel. I knew I was looking a little pale back in New York.

I wore the one pieces that Raphael sent earlier this week before my parents got here. I'm wearing the bikinis that I left from my last trip here while my mother is here. I don't want to hear her judgment. It's been good the past few days. I call Raphael in the morning and he calls me at night. Him and Miguel haven't been measuring dick sizes for a few days now and I just don't want to hear my mama's disapproval of my relationship with Raphael. He's not here to defend himself and she hasn't met him yet. I know her preference though.

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