Episode 4

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Episode 4 Chapter 1: Rain of Steel (1)

TL: Tsubak

ED: Raigeh

"Kill them!"



The sun was high and the wind was strong. The yells and the sound of weapons clashing from far away seemed to shake the entire field.

The number of warriors Rasgrid commanded was 2.000.

The group of warriors was composed of 19 troops, and 12 of them were attacking the front of the huge and black fortress. Although the number barely passed the thousands, each of them was the cream of the crop, and the siege weapons they were using also weren't normal. The sight of several siege towers made of steel charging at the same time was really overwhelming.

The 5 reserve troops were hiding at the rear for the attack that would follow that. One troop, that had the task of escorting Rasgrid's commanders, were observing the reserve troops at their back.

And the remaining one.

Siri's troop, that was composed by 200 warriors, was located even farther than Rasgrid's commanders beyond a small hill.

The commander Siri was glaring at the fortress while being on top of the hill alone. Her eyes were those of looking at her prey rather than the enemy.

It was time.

Siri took in a breath and then looked at the warriors that were lined up below the hill. She spoke with a low but clear voice.

"The siege battle has started. When the enemies are focused on defending the front, use that opportunity to attack their rear. Securing the rune magic control room and opening the gates is our task."



The warriors hailed with a loud voice. They had already heard about it yesterday night and this morning. All of the warriors in Siri's troop had studied the insides of the fortress really thoroughly.

'But how?'

Tae Ho looked at Siri with nervous eyes.

It was because the most important thing, the method to reach the rear, wasn't revealed yet.

'Are we using something like magic?'

The probabilities were high. Because they had used mystical magic like a magic ship and a portal when he had been deployed to the battlefield twice.

'Right, that should be it!'

Tae Ho talked to himself and tried not to look at the things that were lined up next to the warriors. But it was hopeless.

"The rain of steel has been prepared! Warriors! Get on!"


The warriors cheered with an even louder voice at the Valkyries yell.

Rain of steel.

As he turned his head, he could see an alcohol barrel that was stuck on a black and long steel pole that looked like a firing device.

There were 10 altogether.

The alcohol barrel, no, the structure that looked like an alcohol barrel had its doors opened, and inside of it were chairs that had safety devices like the ones you would see at theme parks.

'That shouldn't be..'

Tae Ho talked to himself once again. But however he saw, that seemed to be far from being magic.

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