Episode 22

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Episode 22/Chapter 1: Saga (1)

TL: Tsubak


The sea is a scary place.

There were hundreds of meters below your feet and it was impossible to see what was below you from the surface of the water.

The unknown meant fear.Even if it was Adenmaha that had lived in the sea, she couldn't avoid to feel uneasy when creatures that emanated killing intent approached her from a place she couldn't see.

Adenmaha could feel the slight changes in the ripples of the water. The monsters had gathered after feeling the scent of blood.

Adenmaha wanted to flee immediately. She just wanted to get out of this place.

However Tae Ho didn't allow her. He placed his hands on the scale of her neck as if telling her to calm down.

Adenmaha could feel about five monsters with her senses. She felt like there were more farther away but it seemed like they were trying to see the situation.

There was a need to draw them in more aggressively.

"Adenmaha, let's lead them. It's good if you go underwater."

'Under the water?'

Adenmaha asked as if he was out of his mind. And then Tae Ho nodded quickly and said.

"Ingrid-nim helped me out. It's fine."

Tae Ho's neck was filled with the temporary rune carving Ingrid had set up. It was the rune magic that was characteristic of Njor's legion that let you breathe underwater.

'Fine. I will show you my real skills."

Because she couldn't swim properly because she had to take care of Tae Ho that was riding on her.

Adenmaha took a deep breath with and said with an enjoying voice. Tae Ho also took a breath and stuck closely to Adenmaha, and she twisted her body for a moment and then dove underwater.



As soon as they entered the water Tae Ho let out a sound as if he was short of breath. As the surprised Adenmaha tried to go out the surface again Tae Ho hurriedly transmitted his thoughts.

'I, i'm fine.'

He had just drank a bit of water because he wasn't accustomed to breathing underwater. As Tae Ho transmitted his will through 'the one that controls dragons' Adenmaha put on doubtful eyes but then nodded.

'I will go then!'

Adenmaha started to swim earnestly. And Tae Ho understood why Adenmaha was a sea serpent.

She was fast and free. She was above Siri, that rode on the plains, or Rolo that flew on the sky.

Adenmaha reached a deep place in an instant and then shook her tail as if seducing the herd of sharks and started to swim away again. The six sharks that had gathered after feeling the smell of blood started to chase Adenmaha closely.

Adenmaha moved really simply. It wasn't that she was stupid or she was fleeing from the sharks. She, that was also a Goddess of Tuatha De Danann was really wise and knew well about sharks.


As she simplified her path, the other sharks that were checking on the situation blocked her path and encircled her.

There were twelve monster sharks that had gathered.

It was enough with this number.

'Surge up!'

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