Episode 60

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Episode 60/Chapter 1: Sword of the Round table (1)

TL: Tsubak

ED: ET & StellarRain

The sword of the round table and Excalibur released lights of different color.

Double flash.

A light cutting through a disaster.

The distance between Tae Ho and Poseidon disappeared in an instant. The traces of light that the two swords formed created a path of light and sword aura that flew towards Poseidon at different angles.

Poseidon raised Triana by reflex. He placed it delicately between the two sword auras and managed to block both attacks.

But that was all. The sword of the round table and Excalibur fell down with a time difference and hit both the upper and lower part of Triana. When the upper part of Triana was struck by the sword of the round table causing Poseidon's wrist to twist, Excalibur hit the lower part and forced Poseidon's grip to loosen.

Poseidon didn't drop Triana but his defense had been broken perfectly. His wrist broke at that moment and delivered a terrible pain.

Poseidon gritted his teeth. Enduring the pain, he released his divine power. He then rolled on the ground and tried to push Tae Ho away.

But Tae Ho countered with his own divine power. He retrieved his weapons and rolled on the ground.

The two divine powers clashed head on. Prometheus' prediction wasn't wrong. Poseidon was certainly a level above Tae Ho if you simply looked at the amount of divine power and its strength. Poseidon also possessed the power of the primeval God Pontus in him.

He's getting pushed back.

Tae Ho could push him back.

This was when a smile spread on Poseidon's bearded face.

The sword of the round table stabbed the ground and created a ripple in Poseidon's blue divinity that was competing in strength with Tae Ho's dark blue divinity. It created an abnormality in Poseidon's divine power with its God killer strength.

Poseidon activated Talaria hurriedly, trying to temporarily create some distance.

Tae Ho couldn't push back Poseidon's blue divine power completely so he just made it explode. Poseidon got pushed backwards and Tae Ho charged forward. Tae Ho crossed his arms and put on a stance as if he was about to pull out his sword.

The sentence of the Milesian appeared in his left hand, and the sentence of Erin showed in his right hand.

These two sentences were special. The sentence of Milesian was the sentence of the knights of the round table. The twelve sentences that had merged and become one was a match to the sentence of Erin.

The sentence of the Milesian told him.

The sword of the round table that had become one told Tae Ho.

The battle method of the knights of the round table.

How they fought, and the laws and secrets of their arts.

It was similar to the sentences. Those had also become one. It wasn't a familiar thing for Tae Ho as he had learnt each weapon of the knights of the round table in the tower of shadows.

Double flash.

It was a combination of Kalsted's and Scathach's techniques that could bring an end to catastrophe.

And right now, the battle method of the knights of the round table combined with Kalsted's technique. It gave birth to a new skill.

Kalsted's technique.

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