Episode 21

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Episode 21/Chapter 1: Midgard (1)

TL: Tsubak

ED: Ren

Midgard, the land of humans, was really vast. In that land, which was even bigger than the land of the Gods, Asgard, countless humans and races and species of plants and beasts lived.

Not even the Gods who were able to look down on Midgard were able to know everything about it.

In the first place, the fact that there were that many crows in several parts of the world to check on it was proof that denied the omnipotence of the Gods.

The humans weren't that different either.

The humans had received Midgard from the Gods of Asgard and became its owners but the humans didn't know everything about it. For them, Midgard was a land that was filled with marvelousness, fear, countless opportunities and danger.

That was why the humans didn't know. Nor were the Gods aware of it.

The seeds of chaos Loki had spread in every part of Midgard had started to bloom. Each one of them could be described as a disaster but it wasn't seen that easily because of the of fog the unknown.

A country island that was covered by the ocean and had a deep forest and a small village in it.

The first one that had realized it was this island.

The ships that left the dock didn't return. If one or two ships had left at the same time or the same day, they would have thought that they must have encountered a terrible storm. No, they wanted to think that was the case at first.

But after one day, two days, the more time passed, the number of ships that didn't return increased. When one week passed, the entire country fell into a state of fear.

What was the reason the ships couldn't return?

Were the Gods of Asgard angered? Was there a storm that didn't know when to stop?

No. There were no storms. If it was a storm that could annihilate an entire fleet, they would have noticed it from on the island.

The island wasn't small. They were able to self suffice economically, even if they didn't interact with a continent. But knowing that the only thing that connected them to outside was cut off was enough to make the people feel choked.

King Sven, who was the King of all fishermen, warriors and farmers, stood on the dock and looked at the ocean. It had merely been a week since the route for the ships had been cut off but he could already smell the stench of death.

It was an obvious thing. Being self sufficient was possible only if you looked at the entire country.

A port that was cut off of its routes could only dry off and die. Not being able to go out to the sea was more than trades having stopped. The fishermen that couldn't go to the sea couldn't catch fish, and the people of the country touched the empty nets and became impoverished.

"We have to go out to the sea and find the cause. We also have to investigate if all the routes have been cut off."

The aide and adviser of King Sven, Ubbe, was a wise and realistic man. His words saying that they had to first find the cause were proper.

However, King Sven couldn't lay down a decision easily. The number of ships and crews he had lost was already large. In addition, to check all the routes he had to mobilize several big ships at once because it wasn't possible to cross the sea with a small wooden boat.

King Sven left the side of his adviser and went to find a prophet who was at a remote land. The prophet, who predicted the future with the bones and blood of animals, noticed the King having visited, even though she couldn't see. She gave an answer even before the King asked anything.

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