Epilogue #2

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"How busy."

Bjorn sat on a castle wall and said in a good mood. These few days, Valhalla had been really busy like he had said. The party they enjoyed lasted only one day and after that they had to focus on treating the injured and settling the battlefield.

"And the battle is still going on."

There was the Kingdom of Fire that had fled to Olympus and also the destructive beings of Memphis, Maya, Dilmun and Xindu. There was also Avesta, the world completely occupied by destructive beings.

The most urgent thing was to drive away the Kingdom of Fire from Olympus and they couldn't leave that only to Olympus.

"For Asgard and the nine realms."

Not only for Asgard but for all the ten worlds.

Bjorn muttered and checked inside the castle walls. Preparations for dispatching were taking place inside the big hall.


The Hall of Valhalla was really bustling with warriors prepared to go to battle like Bjorn had expected. The warriors were grouped up in legions like they always did and the legion of Ullr was also among them.

The legion of Ullr that received the blessing of the God of hunting Ullr were specists in searching and reconnaissance and also didn't let the other party follow them. They got in charge of the front lines of Asgard in this expedition to Olympus.

In one of the surveillance squads composed by members of Ullr's legion.

Siri was looking up the face of a handsome warrior with a really worried expression.

"Are you okay? You seem to be quite nervous."

"No. I'm fine."


The comrade of Tae Ho when they were at the inferior rank and the man that received Siri's goodwill because he resembled her brother but still couldn't become her man.

He, that had survived in all the big battles that took place in Asgard, also survived in this one. In addition, all the achievements he had accumulated got recognized so he even got promoted to the intermediate rank.

As Rolph got promoted to an intermediate ranked warrior he got to be able to lead one of the surveillance squads of Ullr's legion. He was someone with quite a lot of experience but this was the first time he would be leading a squad all by himself.

Siri looked at Rolph and he turned his eyes away as if he was embarrassed. And then, the man that was next to Siri let out a refreshing laughter.

"Fine my ass. You are nervous!"


Bracky hit Rolph's back with his hands that were as big as the lid of a pot. Bracky had hit him quite lightly but it was different for Rolph that was the one to get hit. Siri's eyes got bigger in an instant as Rolph's back bent while groaning.

"A, are you okay?"

"Of, of course. I'm, i'm also an intermediate ranked warrior now."

You could see that he wasn't fine just by looking at how he spoke. Siri glared at Bracky fiercely and hit his shin and Bracky, that was fine like usual, just scratched the back of his head.

Siri let out a sigh and spoke to Rolph again.

"Sorry. And... You have been through many big battles so it would be fine if you just rested."

This expedition was composed by the ones that volunteered for it. Rolph had become an intermediate ranked warrior so he was able to get out of it if he wished.

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