Episode 66

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Episode 66/Chapter 1: The Kingdom of Fire (1)

TL: Tsubak


The end was nearing.

The Goddess of night Nyx said. That her words weren't wrong.

The Kingdom of fire.

The alliance between Avesta, the world where the beings that wanted to destroy the world won completely, and Muspelheim, the land where the last flames would arise.

But there were nine worlds between Muspelheim and Avesta so naturally, it was hard for the two of them to have a proper communication.

Muspelheim and Avesta, that were each at the extreme north and south, induced bringing the end with their own methods.

Muspelheim made the giants of Jotunheim and the fomoires form an alliance and succeeded in destroying Erin.

Avesta was a world where the beings that wanted to destroy the world predominated in it and they assisted Xindu and Maya earnestly, the two worlds adjacent to it, and persevered through victory.

There was a big war in Xindu and Maya that was as big as the Great war that took place in Asgard. And the ones that won at that war were the beings that wanted to destroy the world.

Xindu and Maya preserved their strength for a bit and then formed an alliance with the beings that wanted to destroy the world from Dilmun and Memphis and attacked the beings that wanted to maintain the world.

When the worlds that were at the front lines- Asgard, the Temple and Olympus, thought that they had been protecting the front properly due to the repeated war between the beings that wanted to destroy the world, several decisive battles had been taking place in the rear worlds they thought they had been protecting.

It wasn't known in Asgard but the relationship between Memphis and Olympus was extremely bad and the connecting path was actually in a sealed state.

In addition, Memphis collapsed much faster than expected so they couldn't transmit the danger to Olympus.

The emergency of Dilmun didn't reach the Temple as Xindu focused their power on blocking the connecting path.

Memphis and Dilmun collapsed while Olympus and the Temple didn't know of it and even if you excluded Avesta, a total of four worlds had fallen by the hands of the beings that wanted to destroy the world.

And meanwhile, the second Great war took place in Asgard. After that, internal wars occurred in Olympus due to Nyx and they even dragged Asgard into it.

When the battle in Olympus ended.

When Muspelheim and Avesta overturned Dilmun and Memphis, they finally decided to make the final war.

Dilmun, Xindu, Maya and Memphis were all severely impoverished due to the war they had been through but in the first place, the final wish of the beings that wanted to destroy the world was the end of everything. It wasn't to take over another world.

Now that the end was nearing, they didn't care about the results that burnt and disappeared along the ones that wanted to maintain the world. They would rather welcome a situation that the two sides perished in a war of attrition.

They would take over the Temple and Olympus. THey would destroy Asgard.

And then destroy the world where the beings that wanted to maintain the world won completely, and the world that was at the center of all ten realms. And so bring a complete destruction, an end to the worlds.

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