Episode 27

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Episode 27/Chapter 1: The sword of selection (1)

TL: Tsubak

ED: Julsmul

Darkness gushed from the tip of Mordred's sword. Merlin roared, raising his staff to unleash his mighty power. Both the stream of darkness and wave of magic power collided above the ruined ship, causing its two halves to shake violently.

Merlin couldn't believe the scene before his eyes. He wanted to deny it.

"You wicked traitor!"


On the day of Erin's annihilation, the walls of Camelot had been breached with ease. To the great dismay of the defenders, there had been a spy, a traitor, hidden among their ranks. Their inner turmoil had swept over Camelot before their battle against the giants had even begun.

Too many people had lost their lives for nothing.

The knights, prepared to valiantly face their enemies with pride, were caught unaware of the unjust sword piercing them from behind.

The same held true even for King Arthur.

Even after so long, Merlin still felt his blood flowing backward when he recalled the scene from that day.

Mordred had pierced the chest of King Arthur with his Treasure Sword, Clarent. He'd dealt the king a mortal wound that left him without the ability to fight.

If that hadn't happened....

If the terrible flames of an inner conflict hadn't engulfed Camelot....

Erin's destruction may have been preventable. No. Even if that were untrue, its path to ruin would still have been far altered.

As it had happened, King Arthur had perished.

Gawain, the noblest of all knights, had been fated no differently.

It was the same for Lancelot, K, Galahad, Tristan, Bedevere....

To name each one was a miserable process. The Knights of the Round Table had all died wretched deaths.

For Mordred, the cause of all these terrible deeds, to be alive.

For the man that shattered Camelot and Erin into pieces to be alive!

Merlin couldn't contain his resentful feelings. His current state was far unbefitting that of a wise, old man's.

Mordred did nothing to avoid Merlin's curse-like rage. He cursed out against the one who hated him to the core.

"God damn your vile words! I am no betrayer. I am the one that fought to protect Camelot until the very end!"

He yelled like a beast and poured more strength into Clarent. As he did so, the dark energy surrounding the sword spread out to envelope the entire area. Pitch-black knights grew from the long-spread shadow to stand alongside Mordred. They were dozens of them. They were the traitorous knights that had revolted against Camelot under Mordred's leadership.

Merlin faltered. The nightmarish scene before him was too reminiscent of that day long ago, and he staggered in surprise. The strength of his legs grew weak, and he found himself unable to even stand properly.

Mordred grimaced, his gaze coldly fixated upon the great magician. It seemed that with Erin and Camelot gone, the only one now left to hear his story was Merlin.

"I only wanted to protect Camelot. I didn't betray anything."

Joy and sorrow dominated Mordred's words. He continued in a tone raw with emotion.

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