Episode 10

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Episode 10/Chapter 1: Ragna Lodbrok (1)

TL: Tsubak

ED: Isalee

Tae Ho opened his eyes. This time he was in a comfortable room instead of the forest filled with branches and leaves.

Tae Ho enjoyed the soft and comfortable sensation of his blanket and heater before he thought of the things that had happened before he fell asleep.

He picked up an unknown epic item, retrieved the runes from the corpse of the Basilisk, covered the naked Siri with his hawk wing clothes, and saw Rolph running towards them.


His memory became faint after that, but it seemed like he had taken an antidote and soon fell asleep.

'Although Idun's blessing stops the sleepiness, it just lets you sleep immediately.'

Tae Ho realized something meaningless and raised the blanket to check the clothes he was wearing. He felt good because he had been changed into clean clothes but at that moment realized something else.

'My epic item!'

He still didn't know about its properties, but it was still an epic grade item.

In Valhalla, they gave you ownership of the items you plundered from the enemies, except for special cases. So no matter what anyone said, the owner of the epic item was Tae Ho.

'No, most of all, what if they threw it away?'

Just by the look of it, it seemed like a really old, broken, and useless item.

Tae Ho hurriedly raised his head and then let out a sigh of relief.

His clothes and items were on a small table next to his bed and the broken handle was also there.


As he let out a sigh of relief, he heard a voice next to him.

"You are fine. It's a safe place. Did you have a nightmare?"

It was Siri's voice that was low and calm and even had gentleness in it. Tae Ho turned his head to follow the voice. He could see Siri in bed just like him.

"Captain Siri."

"You and I are both fine. I'm glad. Gandur and the others came at the right time."

Siri put on a calm smile. Her soft look was nice to see but compared to usual she didn't have strength in her eyes. It seemed like her lips were also dry.

"Is your body fine?"

As Tae Ho asked with a worried voice, Siri nodded with the minimal motion.

"Kind of. I think I will get better after resting a bit more. I'm also a warrior that has accumulated runes until now."

Siri was also a superhuman.

As she was putting on that soft smile instead of her usual armor, rather than giving off the impression of a strong superhuman, she made you think of a beautiful but pathetic woman.

Tae Ho thought of Siri of last night.

'Ah, no. Not this.'

Tae Ho erased the things that appeared in his head and then faced Siri after clearing his throat.

"I'm glad."

"Right, it was a bit dangerous.....but it was a nice experience."

Siri asked with her eyes as if that wasn't the case and Tae Ho also nodded. They both felt that the comradeship between them had deepened.

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