Episode 61

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Episode 61/Chapter 1: Great Hero (1)

TL: Tsubak

ED: StellarRain

Clearing the battlefield after a battle was as important as the battle itself.

They had won against Poseidon but Mesena became a mess. This was due to the monsters fighting between themselves inside the city and the sea Poseidon brought with him sweeping away not only Mesena but also the surrounding land.

The water sat stagnant where the ground was low and in the places that weren't like that, the water reached up to your ankle so one couldn't proceed with daily activities properly.

The number of people that died wasn't low either. Before this, they evacuated the citizens because they expected a destructive clash with Poseidon. If they hadn't done this, the number of dead people would amount to thousands.

Many of Echidna's children were slain but fortunately many were injured rather than dead.

Their survival was because of the power of the golden apple tree that gave a regeneration power and also Thor, Bracky and Siri who arrived on time.

The blessing of Idun granted tenacity and toughness to Echidna's children and supported their lives on the brink of death while the Gods of thunder and hunt defeated the sea monsters and protected Echidna's children.

But even so, Echidna's army sustained great damage. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that her army, composed of dragons, was halved.

The Gods also suffered serious damage.

Hermes lost both his legs and couldn't run anymore. A God could even regenerate the entire leg but he would need a long time before being able to boast of being the fastest of Olympus again..

Hestia still didn't wake up, even after the battle subsided. Based on Athena's examination she wasn't dead but was on its precipice. Hestia's divine power was severely crippled by Triana, so she would need a long time to recover.

Athena worked hard to maintain Hestia's life during Poseidon's attack and so she collapsed right after the battle ended. However, she was among the least injured among the Gods of Olympus. She had actually awoken a day after and continued with her duties.

Echidna's main body was destroyed by Poseidon so she could barely open her eyes. Her lower body of essence had also been forcefully torn away and she had suffered several stab wounds to the chest.

"Uwaaa! Echidna! You can't die! I don't want you to die!"

Nidhogg cried with a messy face. Hydra, who was grabbing Echidna's hands, also cried next to her.

'I won't. I won't die so please be quiet lady. I can't sleep because you are too noisy.'

Echidna lacked the strength to mumble so she just thought of this in her mind. Of course, there was no way for Nidhogg or Hydra to hear this so they continued to cry and disturb her sleep.

This disturbance made Echidna, only for a moment, regret lending her diving power to Nidhogg and Adenmaha. Otherwise her divine power, stamina, and magic power wouldn't be so exhausted.

What Echidna did in the middle of battle was simple.

But of course, the result and the process were easy to speak about but the actual implications were difficult to realize.

What she did was help Nidhogg raise her limits..

Nidhogg, who was a real ancient dragon, had an unawakened but unlimited potential. Just like the queen of the land of darkness had confirmed, the amount of magic power she possessed could overwhelm a God of magic.

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