Episode 44

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Episode 44/Chapter 1: The Great War (1)

TL: Tsubak

ED: Ren

While Tae Ho was executing the guerrilla tactic in Asgard, Odin roamed the several small realms that were inside of Asgard.

Svartalfheim, Nidavellir and Alfheim.

The fairies of the three worlds answered to Odin's call.

Odin kept sending away his crows. He transmitted his voice to the Vanir, who were going to Asgard through a long roundabout path, and also to Hraesvelg's people, waiting on the highest branch.

The most important thing was getting the time right.

It was important to gather forces before the seal of Valhalla broke but there couldn't be a mistake in the infiltration of the forces.

What they were aiming for was the moment after the seal broke.

The forces waiting in Valhalla weren't enough.

The forces Odin gathered from the small realms also weren't enough.

They had to gather to become one. They had to make a force that could face even the great army of the magician king. They couldn't be defeated one by one.

Odin, who manifested in Midgard, called and gathered the kings of the humans as the king of Gods.

The dwarf king Vanter, Arianmina the representative of the alliance of the dark fairies and Talles, the diplomat of the light fairies, accompanied Odin.

The king of the humans didn't doubt Odin's words.

They were in a world that knew that the warriors of Valhalla existed. In addition, they had already experienced the invasion of the giants and evil spirits.

Gods and Valhalla existed and now that the giants were threatening Asgard, they didn't hide their forces. They swore that they would lend their strength to Odin.

The forces gathered in Midgard and Niflheim, and the crows flew back to Odin and transmitted the news; the performance of Idun's warrior, the state of the barrier and the time left until it broke down.

Odin sat on the head of Ratatsork and glared at the sky of Midgard with his only eye.

The thing only Odin could do.

The thing that could be done only because it was him.

And the time had finally come.

Right before the seal of Valhalla collapsed...

When Freya stood in front of the barrier while determining herself to die...

Odin gave the order.

And the doors of the Great barrier opened up.


The dwarves of Nidavellir were small creatures.

However, they had never-tiring stamina, extraordinary manual dexterity and a tough mental power, like the tendon of a cow that was hard as steel.

The dwarves held axes or hammers in one hand and shields in the other and advanced as a solid wall. Part of the wall broke down because of the attack of the evil spirits but still, the entire wall never broke down.

The hammer of a cow-headed monster smashed the top of the shield of the dwarf Randor. He pulled his arm and raised his shield solidly at the moment of the attack but it wasn't enough. Randor's arm was twisted at a weird angle and he was sent flying away.

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