Episode 20

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Episode 20/Chapter 1: Scathach (1)

TL: Tsubak

ED: Ren

The summoning rock, which was a bit smaller than a baseball, wasn't the only one. There was one in each pocket that was hanging on a belt Midak was wearing and they amounted to five.

Although they had some curves, the rocks, which were close to being a circle, had different symbols engraved in them. And seeing that the colors in the engravings were also different, it seemed as if they had a different meaning.

When Tae Ho grabbed one of them and checked it Cu Chulainn said, 'It seems like the magic was erased. Is it because the user, Midak, died?'

"The magic was erased?"

'There are cases like this on contract magic, which uses blood or incantations. The contract itself gets destroyed because the contractor died.'

Tae Ho flinched for a moment but then calmed himself. It was because the golden letters were still hovering above the stones.

"But it's still useful, right?"

'Probably. But you will have to make a new contract. And you will also have to investigate what kind of item this is exactly.'

What Tae Ho knew right now was its name, 'The Summoning Rock'. Inserting magic into a magic tool of an unknown identity was a really dangerous thing.

'I'm saying this just in case, but I will be able to know what it is with time.'

"Ah, yes." Tae Ho nodded aimlesslynodded without much meaning and agreed. In the first place, he had become convinced that he shouldn't handle it on his own before knowing what it was. Ragnar also used to say similar things.

'If I show it to Heda, she may know what it is, right? Or to Scathach.'

Heda specialized in rune magic and Scathach was the one who had taught the Cu Chulainn himself. In addition, she was a witch that had some powers of the Tuatha De Danann.

Tae Ho organized his thoughts moderately and then put back the summoning rock in the pocket and put on the belt. But it seemed as if Cu Chulainn had interpreted Tae Ho's short reply in another way, as he started to say things Tae Ho hadn't even asked.

'As I just checked it briefly, so I'm not certain, but there's a high probability that it's used to summon something. As Midak had the nickname of the Beast Ruler... Perhaps it may be a tool to summon a beast that you have made a contract with. Mm, right. Maybe it makes sense that he had five of them. I think it really is a summoning tool.'

It seemed as if he was convincing himself, since the more he spoke, the more certain he got.

It was something he had felt before, but Cu Chulainn spoke quite a lot, excluding when he was serious. It wasn't that he was showing off, but it felt more like he didn't like people to ignore him even a little or treat him casually.

However, Tae Ho didn't have any complaints with Cu Chulainn's personality. What's more, he was currently more interested in what he was saying currently.

'Isn't this a monster ball?'

He thought of the monster collecting game that caught monsters with a ball. But of course, the summoning rock didn't hold monsters or beasts inside of it like a monster ball, it summoned them; but anyways, it was true that it could call monsters without having to carry them.

Tae Ho couldn't bring Rolo on this expedition. It was because food would only be wasted on him as he couldn't even fly properly due to the branch ceilings of Svartalfheim.

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