Episode 29

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Episode 29/Chapter 1: Idun's commander (1)

TL: Tsubak

ED: Julsmul

The King of Gods, Odin, spent long hours each day sitting beside Mimir's lake.

Because of this, several important matters regarding Asgard and Valhalla were organized on location, although, Odin wasn't one to demand the opinions of others.

He fell deep into thought while sitting there, curled up in between the roots.

Mimir, who'd grown hollow and devoid of emotion after death, had become his only advisor. The three sisters sometimes conversed with Odin, but they didn't exchange opinions. Their conversations only served to pass to Odin the thread of fate they had made.

After the Great War, Asgard underwent many changes.

Odin's disposition also underwent a similar metamorphosis.

He hadn't always been someone who decided upon everything by himself. His verdict had always been final, but he once asked for the opinions of others and consulted with his many advisors on a regular basis.

The Great War had changed him.

Odin now held many more secrets than before.

Excluding Thor and a few other exceptions, the Gods couldn't meet with Odin at all.

Instead, the Gods and Valkyries communicated with him through the crows Hugin and Munin.

Perhaps the changes to Odin's character were calculable.

The Great War had taken many things from Odin.

Odin's wife and most reliable ally, Frigg, had her life stolen amid the conflict..

Once Odin's advisor and friend, Loki betrayed Asgard and chose to stand alongside the giants.

Frigg wasn't the only God who'd lost their life. Several of Odin's loved and treasured had disappeared from this world.

The sun was setting on Asgard.

Odin admired the beautiful sunset as he rose to leave. After he left Mimir's lake, he traveled to Heimdal's fortress, the bridge between Midgard and Asgard and the origin of the Bifrost.

Heimdal, the chief gatekeeper of Asgard who'd used Gjallarhorn to alert everyone of the Great War, hadn't left his fortress even for a single day.

Its defense was his sacred role and task.

Even Odin, the King of Gods, had to personally visit the fortress to converse with him.

"For Asgard and the Nine Realms."

"For Asgard and the Nine Realms."

Heimdal welcomed Odin in the deepest and most secretive room within his fortress. He, whose body seemed as solid and stiff as rock and steel, had the appearance of a living, iron tower.

Odin hit his chest twice in reply to Heimdal's courtesy and then curled up by the corner. Heimdal didn't jest. He just stood at the wall across the room him and waited for the next visitors to arrive.

"I've arrived."Thor was next to appear. He hit his chest twice with Heimdal and then sat alongside Odin.

Odin lightly patted on Thor's shoulders twice without speaking and expressed his emotions as a father. Thor answered him with a smile.

The last one to arrive was Freya. She, the Goddess of Beauty and Magic, had obscured her head with a large hood.

She expressed etiquette towards Heimdal as soon as she entered the room but frowned upon seeing Odin curled up in a corner of the room.

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