Episode 38

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Episode 38/Chapter 1: Ratatoskr (1)

TL: Tsubak

ED: Julsmul

There were three beasts living in the World Tree, Yggdrasil.

The black dragon, Nidhogg, that lives in the roots.

The white and huge King of Birds, Hraesvelgr, that lives in the highest roots.

The only existence that can freely come and go between the highest roots and the roots, Ratatoskr.

The oldest one among the three was Nidhogg, that has shared its beginning with Yggdrasil.

The oldest dragon.

The dragon that started with the world.

That was why people called it the ancient dragon.


'Hey, are you fine?'

It was after he checked the green words above Nidhogg's head. Tae Ho blinked at the urgent voice that rang in his head.


'What is that tranquil look? Do you know how long you have been passed out?'

Cuchulainn spoke as if it was absurd.

Tae Ho blinked a few more times and finally got a hold of himself. Time seemed to have continued unabated for Tae Ho, but he suddenly began to feel like quite a long period had actually passed.

"How long was I sleeping for?"

'Almost nine days. Do you know how worried I was? The one that was suppressing the dragon collapsed suddenly and shows no movement for nine days.'

Nine days.

Tae Ho gulped dry saliva and then he could understand.

'So that was the case indeed.'

His memories started to pop little by little. The meeting Tae Ho had with Nidhogg wasn't short.

Tae Ho could connect his consciousness with dragons with the 'One that Controls Dragons', and he got to control Nidhogg from within its consciousness. Precisely speaking, he made it into an ally through communication.

Tae Ho had grown familiar with Nidhogg's life, although his efforts were just the tip of the iceberg. He could feel the loneliness she had been living in directly through the connection.

And this kind of interaction wasn't normal at all.

'How did it turn out? It seems like it went well.'

Cuchulainn, who was stating how worried he was, asked with a voice mixed with expectation and worry. Tae Ho turned his head and answered while looking at the green words above Nidhogg.

"Yes, somehow."

'What happened? Speak in more detail.'


Tae Ho paused for a moment and then started to explain the more detailed possible.

Cuchulainn heard everything and said with a sigh.

'In other words, you entered the house of a guy that was always trapped in it; you beat the hell out of it to cut off its will and forcefully made it into your slave? You really are trash, huh?'

"Hey, I didn't say it like that!"

If you lined up the cases that happened in a different way, it was indeed right, but Tae Ho felt it to be unfair.

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