Episode 71

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Episode 71/Chapter 1: Asgard (1)

TL: Tsubak


Zeus also saw what Odin saw.

He could also feel what Odin felt.

That's why the moment they faced each other when Zeus faced Odin's only eye he could feel it.

What Odin was about to say. What kind of bullshit he was about to spout in front of him, the master of Olympus.

But Zeus waited for the moment. But Odin didn't even feel shame of that wait and said out loud the words Zeus was thinking about.

"We have to give up Olympus."

Lightning struck. The lightning that got fired swept the surroundings of the throne of Zeus. The place Odin was standing at was no exception. The barrier Odin had prepared with rune magic beforehand clashed with the lightning. Loud explosions and light flashed a few times but the rage of Zeus didn't get eased easily.

But Odin stood still to wait for Zeus to regain his composure. Even Zeus couldn't know if that shameless attitude helped him recover his mind or made him more enraged.

The lightning disappeared. Zeus drooped his body in the half-destroyed throne. He sent back the Gods that came running surprised because of the loud sound with a gesture of his hand and looked at Odin.

"Keep spouting...no, speak."

Zeus knew Odin as much as Odin knew him. He wasn't someone that would proceed with things without any plans.

Odin turned to look at the only Goddess that had remained behind without listening to Zeus while all the other Gods left at his word. The queen of Gods Hera stood next to Zeus' throne as she also had the right to listen.

Odin looked at Hera's movement for a moment and then looked at Zeus again. He was really exhausted right now and Odin understood that.

"We will give up on Olympus just like I said before. We will evacuate everyone from Olympus to Asgard and then seal the connecting path to trap the newly born Path of fire of the Kingdom of Fire in Olympus. It won't last that long but we will be able to buy some time."

The story became a bit long but in the end it meant that they would be giving up Olympus. No, it was worse than that. It meant that they were going to sacrifice all of Olympus to tie down the enemy.

Zeus clenched the handle in his throne. It wasn't intentional but the handle that got caught in his hands got destroyed. Zeus wanted to curse right now.

Zeus wanted to yell him asking if he was able to say the same words even if the place the enemy charged to wasn't Olympus but Asgard, if he was able to stay calm even if he had to tie the enemy down in Asgard and escape to Olympus in that moment.

But Zeus didn't yell like that in the end. He looked at Odin's only eye that didn't change since they started talking.

If it wasn't Olympus but Asgard.

Odin would have gladly said that they would give up Asgard. The one in front of him was someone that could throw away the seat of master and of course his own life if it was to win. Compared to Zeus, he was a God of war.

Zeus took a breath and released the handle. The dust that got created from the debris of the handle fell to the ground.

He managed to squeeze out a voice.

"Before they come to Asgard... what will happen in Olympus before the connecting path gets opened up by force?"

"Olympus will get destroyed. Perhaps, it may face the same fate as Erin."

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