Episode 13

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Episode 13/Chapter 1: Traces of the Great War (1)

TL: Tsubak


A rough and scary wind blew in the deepest part of Jotunheim, the land of giants.

The wind was originated because there was an essence of coldness that had a mysterious power, and the palace of the giant king was placed over there as if to protect it.

Magician king Utgard Loki.

He, that had the strongest force even among the other giants in Jotunheim, was seated on a throne made with a branch of Yggdrasil and was looking at a far place. You could see a land of severe cold from the wall in front of the throne and beyond the terrace, and even beyond that, you could see Gastropnir, the fortress of the giants.

Utgard Loki closed his eyes. He, the giant king, remembered the Great War.

The war that put a world in extinction and dealt a fatal blow to Asgard.

The wound he had suffered from the prince of light, Cu Chulainn the hero of the extinct planet, didn't heal. He could still feel pain from the wound in his shoulder that was pierced by Gae Bulg.

Utgard Loki let out a heavy sigh. He opened his eyes slowly and saw the back of the man that was on the path connected to the terrace. Although he was big compared to humans, it was a really small and frail existence compared to the giants. However, Utgard Loki didn't ignore him. He was someone you just couldn't ignore.


The one that was a giant and a God. He was a sworn friend of Thor, an adviser of Odin and Asgard's disguiser that shared friendships with several Gods. The God of fire and lies.

He, who had black hair and a handsome face, turned back. He was wearing a leather coat made with the fur of a white beast, and he put on a smile.

Close to a hundred years passed by since the Great War. The front lines were adhering, and both sides continued with an endless consumption rate.

Loki asked with his eyes. And Utgard Loki moved his fingers of his big and heavy left hand instead of replying at those green eyes.

Both of them knew the answers. The most effective method to end the adhering phase and collapsing Asgard was decided since Ragnarok started.

The summoning of the world wolf Fenrir, that devoured the sky and the earth.

They already had the methods to do it. That was the reason he was moving his five fingers to execute the plan.

Utgard Loki didn't express more than that. However, Loki nodded as if he had understood and then turned back. He charged forward lightly with his boots that could ride in the sky and the sea and disappeared.

The summoning of the world wolf.

Utgard Loki clenched his fists and then lightly patted the armrest of his wooden throne.

He thought about Loki. That he really was a God like fire. Although it was useful depending on how you used it, if you had it too close to you, you would get burnt by him. He had that kind of temperament.

Odin and Thor of Asgard got wounded by him. But what did he have to do?

'The war will soon resume.'

The Great War. The real Ragnarok.

Utgard Loki slowly closed his eyes. It was only for a moment, but he also put on the smile Loki had put.


Siri opened her eyes. As soon as she gulped dry saliva indicating that her mouth was dry, a voice was heard above her.

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