Episode 16

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Episode 16/Chapter 1: Legend (1)
TL: Tsubak


The alpha name had a name. It was the name given by the ones that came to visit this forest, to the strongest one that led the strongest gryphon pride for 4 years.


Rolo was in a really enraged state. Actually, he was in a really good mood a few minutes ago. Because he had smelled the blood of horses. he saw the three female gryphons, that were the strongest even inside the pride, fly up and imagine the horse meat he would soon eat.

It was hard to wait because he hadn't eaten horse meat for a long time. Although he remained calm because he couldn't show an unsightly look to the remaining females, what he wanted was to go hunting with them.

When would they return? They wouldn't be eating among themselves, right?

While he was thinking of such things he heard a cry. It was a rescuing request from a female. This sound was surprising enough, but the sound it heard next shocked him even more. A female of the pride was showing its cute side to someone else!

He couldn't forgive it. If it was a new male, then he would peak its eyes with his beak. There was no way that the horse, that was merely food, threatened them.

Rolo flew quickly. After fluttering his strong wings, he saw a shocking scene. One of the females was collapsed on the ground, and another one was crying as if it didn't know what to do. And the last one, the female he treasured the most was letting an unknown guy ride on her.

Rolo roared. His cry filled with rage shook the ground and sky. The female that requested help cheered as if telling him to come quickly.

However, Rolo wasn't satisfied. It wasn't because it was afraid of the human riding on the female. The female was putting a relaxed expression and the one above her was smiling.

He would take him in an instant. After throwing him to the ground he would crush his head and chest with his beak.

Rolo charged towards the human like a thunder. However, he could only turn his direction before snatching him. It was because the human riding on the female jumped up.

The human couldn't fly. So he could snatch him when he landed but this human was a bit different. He made a turn on the air and then transformed into a hawk and charged into him.

He was bewildered but Rolo rather felt pleased. Because a big hawk was more delicious than a human. In addition, it seemed like more places to eat has been added.

He was planning to teach the arrogant hawk that was attacking him, the head of the pride and the ruler of the forest, what an aerial attack was. However, it seemed like the hawk didn't have any thoughts of fighting that the moment it was about to exchange blows with Rolo it twisted its body sideways as if running away.

Rolo wasn't disappointed. Because making quick turns and chasing was Rolo's specialty. If he fled in that state, then it would be better for him because he would be able to catch up.

But another disaster occurred. The hawk transformed into a human again instead of flying past him. Even before Rolo could do something the human got on his back.

Rolo roared again. He shook his body trying to make the human fall and tried to fly fast.

However, the human was a bit faster. The moment he was about to flutter his wings the hands of the human got placed in his back, and Rolo fell in a weird feeling.

'My, my strength is getting drained.'

His body didn't move as he wished. It didn't stop there that his rage had weirdly subsided. Although it had certainly tried to fly fiercely, he was soon flying softly.

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