Episode 9

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Episode 9/Chapter 1: Svartalfheim (1)

TL: Tsubak

ED: Isalee

The space beyond the violet door was humid and heavy.

Tae Ho felt the change of the scenery the moment he took the first step. He cut his breath short and looked at his surroundings.

The first thing he saw were the high trees. The trees were lined up like a wall and the branches were interlinked, making a ceiling that covered the sky. The reason why it was dark was probably because of the resulting shadows.

Tae Ho took one more step. There was dirt, rotting branches, and browning leaves everywhere. As he breathed slowly, he could feel the cold and humid air.

Most of all, his body felt heavy. He didn't know if that was the precise expression, but the gravity itself felt different. Although the difference wasn't that great, it's not as if there was none. In terms of numbers, it would be 1.1 times more.

Half of the warriors that were ahead of Tae Ho looked at their surroundings as if it were marvelous while the other half remained on guard with casual faces as if it wasn't their first trip. Siri, who was the first one to pass through the door, belonged to the latter category.

'So this is Svartalfheim.'

The land of the dark fairies that had a name that could twist your tongue.

'So the dark fairies are the dark elves?'

As he started to think of slim beauties with copper skin, a laugh came from behind him.

"Amazing right? This place is Svartalfheim."

Valkyrie Gandur, who crossed the door last, walked to the front and gave an explanation to the warriors that had never been here before.

"As you can see, this place is almost entirely covered by shadows thanks to the branches. In addition, since this forest is really vast, regardless of it being day or night, it's always dark. The reason why Svartalfheim is called the world of the endless night is because of this."

As the warriors of Valhalla nodded with impressed faces, Gandur started to explain in more detail as if she was excited.

"The ones living in this forest are mostly dark fairies.....Therefore, if you cross the forest boundaries, there's Nidavellir and the land of the dwarves called Dvergr. So two races live in the same place."

"Dwarves also live in forests?"

As one of the warriors asked this, Gandur shook her head.

"There is a forest, but Nidavellir is more of an underground world. The place is like a maze because it's built with several tunnels. If you somehow end up there, be careful not to get lost."

Simply put, the dark fairies lived in the forest and the dwarves lived underground.

In addition, her words seemed to indicate that this task was related to the dark fairies and not the dwarves.

"Gandur, what is our task? It's about time for you to tell us."

As one of the warriors asked again, Gandur fixed her expression and then started explaining seriously.

"The dark fairies have asked us to defeat some monsters. They say that one of the dark fairy families was harvesting a medicinal plant for Valhalla and woke up a basilisk near here."

"When you say basilisk, do you mean the king of snakes?"

After Siri asked this question, carefully Gandur nodded.

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