Episode 34

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Episode 34/Chapter 1: Vanaheim (1)

TL: Tsubak

ED: Julsmul

The Gods for the humans of Midgard were the Aesir.

It was because the King of Gods, Odin, alongside Thor, Heimdall, and all the other Gods that had power in Asgard, belonged to the Aesir.

But it wasn't like that from the start.

Long ago, the Aesir didn't only have the giants as their enemies. Another race of Gods that were called the Vanir confronted the Aesir with the right to rule the divine world.

The war between the Aesir and the Vanir didn't come to a conclusion easily. One of the reasons was because they both had the giants as a common enemy, meaning they couldn't unleash all of their strength, but also because the Vanir weren't easy adversaries for the Aesir.

The Gods of the Aesir, including Odin, were all proficient in battle. It wouldn't be excessive to say that the Aesir were a race specialized in battle.

But compared to them, the Vanir weren't proficient in battle. The number of warriors and their skills couldn't be compared to the Aesir.

But the Vanir had the power of strong magic.

If the Aesir were warriors, then the Vanir were magicians. They lacked strong warriors but had strong magicians.

But of course, it wasn't that the Aesir were ignorant on magic as even the King of Gods, Odin, was a strong magician. Especially, his prowess in magic was so outstanding that there were few Gods among the Vanir that had comparable skills to him.

However, the number of Gods that were proficient in magic was different. The Aesir from back then and the current race had many different points.

The Aesir of that time didn't have strong magical tools like right now. They didn't have Thor, and also didn't have the strongest weapon of Asgard, Mjolnir.

Excluding Odin and a few others, they didn't have resistance towards magic.

The war prolonged.

And at the beginning of the war, the Vanir rather suppressed the Aesir.

But as more time passed, the Aesir grew accustomed to magic. The decisive point was that the Giant of Fire, Loki, who was proficient in magic, became the aide of Odin.

Loki received the good will of Odin even though he was a Giant and became a God of Asgard.

He harassed the Vanir with cowardly and cunning tricks that the simple warriors of the Aesir wouldn't imagine at all.

In addition, the battle prowess of the Aesir increased greatly just by having one more being proficient in magic. The Vanir couldn't overcome the Aesir with their sorcery and magic anymore.

The race of the Aesir had won; however, they couldn't annihilate them or absorb them completely as they still had the common enemy remaining.

Because of that, Odin chose to reconcile with the Vanir and inserted them in Asgard after a long time.

The Vanir that accepted their defeat followed the will of Odin and chose three outstanding Gods among their ranks and sent them to the Aesir as hostages.

And one of them was the Goddess of Magic and Beauty, Freya.

Freya was actually a prisoner of war, but thanks to her outstanding beauty and her character that had a lot of charm, she received a lot of love from the Gods of the Aesir.

In addition, as she was also a great magician that was comparable to Odin, she could become a magic teacher for the Aesir and transmit them to Asgard.

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