Chapter 61- Reinvigorating Death

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  He was on his own, scouting the east side of the village. Jeremy was with him not long before, but they decided to split up when the trail parted.
  Besides, the Grimm weren't that dangerous, so any of the hunters could handle 2-3 of them on their own. And there were rarely even 2 Grimm half the time in general.
  An uneasy feeling came across him, and he felt as though he was being watched. He looked up to see for a split second what may have been a person in the trees, but all he saw was a silhouette. His hair on the back of his neck raised and he grabbed his sword, the chain linking to it with a click.
  "Who's there?!" He demanded as he used his power, not dust, to create a blade made of a dark, misting substance, much like how black aura misted off of him when he was being grimmified.
  A small chuckle came from all directions around him. His head zoomed all around, trying to pinpoint where it was coming from. "It really is you," the voice echoed around him. He clicked his tongue in annoyance but listened as the voice continued.
  "Reaper." It had called him that before, hadn't it? Reaper. What does that mean?
  The memory of Ruby speaking to him flashed in his mind. "It's the shadow I see behind you....It looks like a Reaper...." Her voice whispered in his head.
Did that have anything to do with this...person calling him Reaper?
"Who are you?" He asked, more curious then on edge at this point. If this person calls him Reaper...maybe they, like Ruby, can see his Shadows. And if they can, maybe they know something about it.
"Me? My name is of no importance, but you, Reaper, Zakai Snyder, are of much importance."
"You...know my name?" His guard was raised once again. Nothing ever good came of anyone knowing who he was.
"We all know who you are, Leo."
"My name is Zakai, not Leo."
"Hahaha! You still don't understand, do you? You are Leo, and Leo is you."
"What are you talking about? How do you know any of this?"
"If you want to know...." the voice whispered around him. A door appeared in front of him out of thin air. "Step through the door and all will be revealed."
"....Why should I trust you?" He asked. "For all I know you want to kill me, like half the damn people I know."
"If I wanted you dead...." The man appeared to the left of Zakai from thin air. "You would be dead already." He looked at the...person? Being was a better suited word. He had no face, not that Zakai could see. It was covered by black smog.
  "Tsk." As much as Zakai hated to listen, he wasn't wrong. He could have killed him already if he had wished. So Zakai did as requested, and stepped into the door.


Approximately 20 years after the Gods abandon Remnant.

  Darkness surrounded me as I awoke. Did I awake? It's so dark...who even am I? Where am I?
  I opened my eyes to look up at the sky, a dark sky with a shattered moon. "What...happened to the moon?" I asked to no one as I struggled to break free from whatever was holding me down. "What...IS THIS!!" I struggled to pull my self from the pool of blackness that was keeping my from breaking free. It was almost as if it was trying to pull me back under. "!" I struggled to get my hand free and raise it to the sky, just to have it sucked back down.
  The liquid was hot and sticky, like tar. I slowly felt myself being sucked back down, causing me to panic.
  "No! No!! Let me go!" I struggled but to no avail. "DAMNIT I SAID LET ME GO!" I saw a blue light that seemed to be emitting from my eyes reflecting in the black liquid. I noticed a shadow behind me moving. "Hello?" I started. "H-help me!" I got no answer, but I felt something grab me and begin pulling me from the black goop with ease, as if I was a child.
  It placed me on dry, flat land. "Thank you," I started as I turned around only to see a monster. "AHHH!" I started scooting back, almost falling back into the pool of black. But the monster caught me again, pulling me farther away this time, trying to keep me safe.
  "W-what the hell are you?" I asked, though it looked like some type of Grimm Reaper. It was all black, with eyes of glowing blue. It said nothing before dissolving and melting back into my shadow.

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