Chapter 6- Memories

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  It was another normal day at Beacon. Zakai was sleeping during a lecture and everyone else was doing what ever they wanted. Some listened, others didn't.
  It seemed Juane hadn't told everyone about him still being here, that was good. And everyone seemed to have forgotten about him already, which didn't affect Zakai at all, in fact, it was better that way.
  Class ended and everyone was leaving. Like always, Zakai waited to be the last one and went to head to his 'room', but was stopped by Juane.
  "Hey, so I have a question." He started.
  Zakai said nothing, just looked at him with a blank expression. " okay? And no, I'm not asking cause you're quiet, I'm asking cause you seem lonely.
  Zakai's eyes widened slightly.
  "You...seem to try and hide your emotions, and even lie to yourself to believe them, at least until someone calls you out for it."
  'How the hell?!' Zakai thought to himself.
  "Oh! Sorry, i was ranting. I have seven i can tell when somethings bothering someone." Juane scratched the back of his head.
  "I see..." was all Zaki said.
  "Well, I'm here for you if you need me. And so are the others. You may think they all forgot you, but we all still talk about you. Ruby the most in fact..." Juane muttered.
  "Oh? What does she say?" Zakai asked, his interests peaked.
  "Oh, mostly about how you were cold, rude, and mysterious."
  'Triple ouch!!'
  "But then she goes on to talk about how it all seemed to be a show you out on, like a mask. She says you could be nice, funny, sarcastic and careing. Then she goes on about your fighting style, how it's strange but it works and then it goes to gibberish. Stuff I don't understand."
  "I see....well, thanks for the talk Juane," Zakai waved him off and headed in the other direction. "But I'll be off now, I'm heading to my room."
  "Alright. See ya later." Juane waved him off and went in the opposite direction.
  "......I'm lost..." Zakai said depressingly. He must have taken a wrong turn somwhere, cause he was in the dorms. But he had no idea how he got there, nor how to get back to his room from there.
  "Yeah! I still can't believe how you took down that Nevermore! You were all like, 'Ahhhhhh!' And it was all. 'Blurgh' and then it was dead!" That voice sounded familiar. What was her name again?
  "Wait! Is that!" Zakai looked over at her.
  "That guy from the exam!"
  "Huh!" Next after her was Ruby, who quickly rounded the corner. "Zakai!"
  'Awww man... this is bad..'
  "I-I thought you were getting kicked out? I mean, I'm not complaining that you're here. But I'm not saying I'm happy you are here. But I am happy, but not for the reason you think!"
"What do you mean? You're happy your friend wasn't kicked out, what else is there to explain? And stop talking gibberish." He frowned.
"I-I'm just so happy!" She ran towards him to give him a hug, but he put his hand out and straight armed her. His hand was pressed on her forehead as she tried to continue walking at him, but it was no use, she wasn't moving.
"You're a little to weird for my tastes. Why are you trying to hug me? You barely even know me. All you know is my name, that's it." He said coldly.
"No....that's not true at all." Ruby smiled. "I do know you, more than you think. You may think you're all cool and hard to read, but you aren't. We can all read you like an open book. You're actually a pretty nice guy if you want to be. But something happened to you in the last I...we all assume." Zakai's eyes widened and his pupils shrunk.
"Yeah," Nora interrupted. "We thought about it, and we think it may have to do with you being hurt by someone!"
"No, Nora," A guy said. Ren was was name, or so Zakai thought, he was pretty sure that was it, then again who cares?
"We all agrees that it was due to loss. You lost something when you where younger, ri-"
"SHUT UP!!" Zakai interupted. His was shaking in anger. "You can think of me as a nice guy, or cold and rude, hell! Think whatever you want! BUT DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO PRY INTO MY PERSONAL LIFE!" He screamed the last part and turned around, running off. They all starred after him, watching him run off.
'Damn it....' he thought as he ran. 'DAMN IT!' He ran until he couldn't anymore. He was still lost, maybe even more so than before. He collapsed on the ground, starring at the starless night sky.
"Quite empty, yes?" A voice spoke from behind Zakai. He looked to see Ozpin.
"No...not really." Zakai replied.
"How do you mean...?" Ozpin asked, narrowing his eyes.
"Just because you can't see the stars, doesn't mean they aren't there." Zakai muttered.
"I see...and what are stars to you? Just stars, constellations?"
"To me....stars are something we can't comprehend, just like us humans. Stars are like us for they can guide the lost to safety, and in a way...we humans are like stars....sometimes we fall in order to make someones wish come true." He looked at Ozpin. "So, what do stars mean to me? They mean hope, yet failure at the same time, at least to me."
"Ah, I see. That's quite a mature way to think, for a kid your age." Ozpin retorted jokingly.
"Trust me. I may be younger than you, but I do believe I've been through much more hell than you ever have."
  "Oh you think so?" Ozpin retorted.
  "I wouldn't say unless I did." Zakai retorted back.
  "All you have lost is family and friends, Mr. Snyder. I've lost much more than that." Ozpin said before walking off.
"Oh really? Seems like you still have your humanity..." Zakai said to no one. He was alone now, deep in thoughts, thoughts that would never be forgotten.

RWBY x OC fanfiction: The (not so) lonely boyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora