Chapter 7- Silence is my friend

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Its been a few weeks since Zakai had joined Beacon, and everything had been going smoothly. The only difference was he had cut off Ruby and all her friends.
"Tsk, I don't need people who try to pry into my personal life." He muttered to himself as he walked alone. They where on a field trip, collecting some kind of red sap from trees. It was a group assignment, though Zakai had no team. So he was alone, but that was how he liked it.
He had collected his jar of sap and was sitting down when he heard russling in the bushes. He turned his head and saw that it was a Beowolf. It made eye contact with him and let out a howl.
"Tsk!" He stood up. He had no weapon on him. It had broken during the team exam. He thought about using his semblance and grabbed a stick, but it didn't work.
"The hell? Why now?" He asked trying to focus. Lighting surronded the stick but it dispersed not soon after and it was still a stick.
The Beowolf lunged at him and Zakai swung the stick and smacked it across the Beowolfs face, sending it off course from its pounce. It landed on its side and skidded a few feet away from Zakai. He took this oppurtunity to run from it.
  "Why the hell isn't it working?" He muttered as he ran through the thicket, the beowolf chasing him.
  He ran for a few second before he heard talking and ran towards it. Upon reaching it the sweet smell of roses caught in his nostrils. He tsked as he turned around and saw the beowolf get beheaded by non other than Ruby Rose.
  "You okay?" She asked as her scythe folded and she put it away.
  "I didn't ask for yo-"
  "You're welcome." She interupted him with a smile.
  "Tsk..thanks." He muttered.
  "See, that's all you need to say and you'll have lots of friends in no time."
  "Yeah. Don't be such a loser." Yang walked up from behind Zakai. He turned his head to see behind him.
  "Friends are meaningless. You let someone to close to your heart and they become a weakness. Besides, i believe in treating everyone equally, so I don't hold one person closer to me than any other."
  "But friends can teach you things that you wouldn't learn by yourself." Blake stated as she walked up with Yang.
  "If there are things you learn with friends, there must also be things you learn without friends. They must be of equal worth, two sides of the same coin." Zakai added. "You understand? With friends you never learn to survive on your own, cause friends won't always be there."
  They all had nothing to say, and not soon after team JNPR came walking in along with Weiss.
"Hey guys," Juane said, not reading the mood. "Have y'all finished collecting the red nectar?"
"Yeah," Everyone but Zakkai answered. He had lost his when running from the Grimm....but he honestly didn't care.
"I'm surprised Cardin hasn't approached me at all." Juane muttered.
Well....that may have been due to Zakai...

Before the trip

"Are all of you ready?" Professor Goodwhich asked. Everyone said yes. "Good. Well this is a simple team exercise," she started. "Each member of your team will collect the red sap from the trees in this forest. But it isn't that easy. This forest is filled with Grimm of all dangerous kinds. So stick together." Everyone agreed.
Cardin went to slither his way toward Juane, but Zakai had noticed. He met him half way inbetween him and Juane.
"Out of my way!" Cardin threatened.
"What, am I supposed to be scared?" Zakai asked. "Cause I'm not. A simple weakling like you who picks on the weak. You're no huntsmen, you're a disgrace. No better than the Grimm we try and kill. And so," he leaned forward getting face to face with Cardin. "I suggest you back off. Before I hunt you like we do the Grimm."
  Cardin flinched back slightly. "Fine...," he grumbled. "I'll leave him alone."
  "Good," Zakai smiled.

"Well what now?" Ruby asked. "We could hang around for a while before we go an-"
"Are you stupid," Zakai interrupted. "Or are you just that confident in your skill? This forest is loaded with Grimm, and I don't have a weapon."
"O-oh, right. Sorry," she mumbled.
Zakai narrowed his eyes. He didn't know what it was, but something about her just...pissed him off. The way she was so innocent, how she lived a perfect life with no problems.
"If y'all want to stay, stay. But I'm gonna go."
"How?" Weiss asked. "You don't have any red nectar. How are you going to turn in an assignment you never completed?" Zakai shrugged.
"Guess I'll just fa-" a jar of red nectar was tossed at him. He caught it just in time before it crashed into his face.
"I collected an extra jar," Ruby said shyly, looking at the ground. "I didn't do it on purpose. I just happened to have the time, that's it." She waved her hands like she was surrendering.
Zakai narrowed his eyes and walked away.

A day has passed since the red nectar assignment. The Vytal Festival Tournament was announced and people started practicing. Zakai, however was in his room, a stick in his hand.
  He closed his eyes and concentrated, his lighting like Aura surrounded his arm and the pencil in his hand.
  "Work damn it," he hissed as the lighting dispersed. "Why can't I use it anymore?! Was it a one time thing?!" He yelled as he threw the pencil at the wall. A knock on his door caused him to jump.
   He opened the door to see Ozpin.
  "Hello, Zakai," Ozpin spoke quietly. Zakai nodded. "What are you up to on this fine day?"
"Just trying to control my semblance, but it doesn't work," he answered.
"I see. Well, semblances are hard to understand, and even harder to master. Yes, there are some who can use them, but you also must understand that they may only be able yo use it under a certain circumstance. Perhaps that's what yours is," Ozpin stated. Zakai shrugged. "Why are you not out and about like all the others?"
"I'd rather not run into others. I'd rather be alone then in a crowd."
"And by that you mean team RWBY, correct?"
"What- how'd yo-well no actually. Yes them, but anybody in general. And plus, they aren't my team, there's no need to associate myself with them."
  "That is true," Ozpin said. "But friends are a necessity as a huntsman. You can't fight every battle on your own."
  "That's probably the second biggest lie I've ever heard," Zakai stated. "I've been fighting all my battles on my own, and look where I am."
  "You mean alone and in a shed trying to master a power you can not understand because you've had no one to teach you."
  Zakai froze. He was right....And that pissed him off.
  "You know nothing, Ozpin!" Zakai raised his voice. "You don't know the pain I've been through, the horrid things I've seen, the crap I live with in my heart, knowing I could have done something, but was to weak to do it! You don't know!"
  "Yes, you are right," Ozpin stated calmly with a smile. "I do not know of what you have been through, but you also do not know what I have gone through, or Professor Goodwitch, or even Ruby and her friends."
  "Tsk, you mean the innocent girl who always smiles? She's to much of an optimist, it annoys me."
  "What does? That she is an optimist, or that she is happy?"
  Zakai stayed silent, not knowing the answer.
  "Well, I have given my advice for the day, I will be returning to my office now. Why don't you go and find friends." Ozpin went to walk off.
  "Why should I go search for friends you prevented me from having in the first place? You made me stay at this academy, alone."
  "Yes, because I see great potential in you. The likes of which I see in only a select few who are here this year."
  Ozpin left, leaving Zakai in his own. The silence envelopes him and he liked its feel. This was his friends..the only one he needs....or so he thinks.

RWBY x OC fanfiction: The (not so) lonely boyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя