Chapter 25- A training session

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Zakai awoke from his dream, tears fell from his face uncontrollably. He put his hands to his face, hiding it from any ghosts or invisible things that may be watching, although nothing was. His dream was a memory, a very vivid one. And it was about Yue...the girl he loved...who died.
"Yue...Yue..." He cried her name softly. He remembers that kiss, very vividly. He can still remember her sweet smell, she smelled just like roses. The feeling of her lips, like kissing a cloud.
"Damnit! It's because I'm weak! I'm useless! They all die, they're all dead. If only I could have fought, if I wasn't such a coward! Yue! Yue...." He cried by himself that night. Making as little sound as possible, not wanting to draw any attention. He was alone, or so he thought. A hand reached and grabbed his, the person hugged him, and Zakai felt a warm sensation on his body. But no one was there, to his eyes at least.
The person who was there, embracing him, was Yue, or her ghost. She was his guardian angel, watching over him. All his calmness in certain situations was due to her presence, even though he didn't know she was there.
He spent the rest of that night lying awake. Not being able to fall back asleep.

*That morning*

As the sun shun through the window and Zakai heard the shuffling of peoples feet, he got up and walked outside. He didn't have to act tired, like someone who had just woke up, cause he was tired, though it was from lack of sleep.
  "Zakai...." It was Ruby. She was still in her pajamas as she leaned on his shoulder, half awake, half asleep. "You're awake! Usually you'd still be asleep." She looked at the bags under his eyes. "Ohhh, I see. Did you get up early for me?" She nuzzled his neck jokingly.
  "Yes I did." He chuckled.
"Aww. How sweet." She kissed his cheek. "Well, Imma make some breakfast. After all, we need the energy. We need to train Oscar."
Zakai scratched the back of his head. His hair had grown quite a bit. Ruby noticed it too and smiled. "You should try something new with your hair." She said.
"Yeah. Like...." she hmm'd for a second. "A pony tail! Like in the back to keep your hair off your neck."
"I'll think about it." He said. He kinda liked his hair, and he didn't know if a ponytail would suit him.
"And I'll make the breakfast." He said walking into the kitchen, though it'd probably be best to call it shuffle.
"What? Why? I can cook it!" She complained.
"Ruby....I've heard MANY of stories from Weiss and them. The last time you made cookies, they could have been used as a weapon."
"Hey! Weiss's cooking is just as bad!"
"Hey." Weiss spoke from the doorway. "That's not true. My cooking is of the most prestige."
"Oh?" Zakai said as he was already grabbing the ingredients to make sausage and eggs. Though he also grabbed the ingredients to make pancakes for Nora, knowing she'd throw a fit.
"How thoughtful," Ruby said as she leaned on his shoulder once again. "Making food for everyone to make them happy."
"Uh-Huh...." He rolled his eyes as he flipped the eggs and the pancakes.
Everyone somehow found their way into the kitchen all while Zakai finished the food and handed it to everyone. He didn't eat anything, he wasn't hungry.
Everyone conversed as they ate, all prepping each other up for the sparring practice that was soon to come.
Once the eating finished everyone rested for a little before heading outside.
"Alright Oscar." It was Qrow who spoke. "You'll spar with Ruby, cause she's doesn't have much skill in hand to hand either."
"O-Okay." Oscar said nervously as Ruby stepped outside. They had all changed out of their pajamas and into their regular outfits.
Zakai zoned out as the match began, and before he knew it it had apparently ended.
Apparently Oscar had become Ozpin, and beat Ruby, and was also now scolding her. "And as for you, Zakai." He spoke to him.
"Come and spar with me."
"....I'm good." Although he wanted too, he was tired. Well, that, and he was lazy.
"It wasn't a request." He appeared in front of him and swatted at him with his cane. Zakai dodged with ease and blinked slowly as he found himself dodging the attacks into the middle of the arena they had made to practice in.
"D-Did he just say sigh?" Weiss asked.
"I think he did." Qrow commented.
"Kick his butt, Kai!" Ruby yelled.
"Teach Ozpin a lesson!" Yang shouted.
"You heard them." Ozpin motioned with his hand for Zakai to attack. Zakai did nothing, just sighed, once again.
"...fine then." Ozpin appeared in front of him and attacked, last second he changed direction and the attack came from the other side. Zakai blinked slowly. It was was almost as if time was moving slowly for him.
Once again he dodged the attack, grabbed the cane and pulled him close, ramming him with his shoulder, sending Ozpin flying back a few feet.
  "Are we done now?" Zakai said exasperated.
  "Not even close." Ozpin kicked off the ground and went to roundhouse kick Zakai. Zakai jumped upside down and landed on his hands, blocking the kick with one of his feet. Ozpin turned quickly and went to punch at him. Zakai reacted by flipped back to his feet and punching also. Their fists connected and made a small shock wave of air.
  "Are you actually trying?" Zakai asked, boredom in his voice.
  "....." Ozpin said nothing, but swept Zakai's feet from under him with his cane.
  He hit the ground with an oof  but quickly recovered by spinning and kicking with his feet. One foot made contact with Ozpin's cheek and sent him flying out the Arena.
  Everyone looked at Zakai, eyes wide and mouths open.
  "What? You said to teach him a lesson."

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