Chapter 24: Beth's Sidecar

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Chapter 24: Beth's Sidecar

"I am not sitting in that thing." Beth clutches Daryl's arm for support and glares down at the ridiculous looking sidecar he attached to his bike. It was one thing to have to ride on the bike behind him and have to wear that ridiculous looking helmet, but now she has to wear the stupid helmet and ride in a sidecar?

"It's not fashionable, I know, but I painted it pink for you have to ride in it." Daryl snickers and scoops her up bridal style and starts putting her in the seat. Sitting in it, it's actually really comfortable and Beth feels more safe in it than on the bike.

"It's not that bad...I guess."

"See...and who says I'm not courteous?" Strapping her helmet for her, Daryl slides his on and hops on the bike. Starting it up, Daryl drives slow and Beth can't stop smiling at the grand gesture. He went out of his way to get her a pink sidecar, bring Glenn to Maggie, bring her food, and though it was awkward, suck pudding from her chin and just graze her lips. No other guy would do that for her. When they get home, Daryl pulls Beth from the sidecar and she can't stop giggling at how ridiculous they must look. Taking off her helmet, he puts it in the sidecar and they head upstairs.

"How exactly did you break your tv?"

"I don't know....It's all fuzzy and I can't find any channels." They go into his apartment and Beth starts working on his tv. After a good forty minutes, she gets it back to normal and he cheers. "Woohoo!! You my friend should go into radiology."

"Haha wrong word, but thanks for the attempt." She stands there and looks at the muted tv and then looks up at him. He's beaming at her and she just feels her heart start to race. "I think I'm gonna go lay down for a was exhausting."

"You wanna use my spare room? No sense in walking across the hall if yer really tired." He says trying to keep her as long as he can.

"You have a spare bed in that room?"

"Well, not really, but you can sleep in my bed. I'm just gonna watch a few documentaries on WWII anyway." She looks around for an answer and feels herself becoming frazzled with herself.

"I don't wanna put you out..."

"Beth, when do we ever put each other out...unless I'm an asshole?"

"You gotta point." Going to his room with him leading the way, he goes to his dresser and she questioningly looks at him.

"Here, you can change out of yer jeans. You shouldn't sleep in them." Handing her a pair of green pajama bottoms, he is turning to leave, but catches he sliding her jeans down and pulling his pjs on. He wants to just go up and pull her close to him, but he can't do that anymore. He's not allowed to have feelings of attachment or love for her.

Going out to the living room he sits down with a beer and some popcorn made and starts watching his WWII documentary. He loves history, especially the World Wars. They just interest him and make him think about the world around him. Could he go off to war and fight for his country? Every other time he answered yes to this question, but now, with Beth and her baby, he isn't quite sure. He doesn't think he could live them and maybe not come back. Hell, it's hard just leaving Beth right now and she's only a room away. His heart heaves heavy with the thought of her so close, but so distant of heart. As the movie continues, he hears whimpering coming from somewhere and he soon realizes it's Beth. Getting up, he goes to his room and finds her in a nightmare.

"Beth...Beth, wake's just a nightmare." He shakes her arms and she sits up quickly with a scream and then notices Daryl's right beside. Crashing her body into his, he holds her close and she lets her scared tears fall. "It's okay...hey, I got you...yer okay..."

She cries and doesn't loosen her grip on him. Pulling her to his lap, Daryl lays her against his chest as he pulls a small blanket over top of her and carries her to the living room and sits on the couch. It's only 7:30 and his day has been more productive than his year. He rocks back and forth with her in his lap and he hums a sweet tune that acts as a lullaby and soon she's back to sleeping. Looking down at her in his arms, she's so beautiful and child-like in his arms. He continues rocking her and goes back to watching his show. When his show is over, he's mighty hungery so he lays her softly on his couch, head on a fluffy pillow, another blanket over her, and he starts making dinner.

As he pulls the double baked potato with cheese, bacon, and chives ontop out of the oven, Beth slowly wakes up. Rubbing her eyes, she's slightly confused how she ended up on the couch. Sitting up, she finds Daryl in the kitchen with something that smells amazing.

"Well hello Sleeping Beauty." He softly says as he finishes up cooking the grilled ham and cheese sandwiches and turns the burners off. She looks at him and then lays back down. She's too tired for this right now. She can't banter with him or yell at him. She just wants to inhale that food and sleep the rest of the seven months off. "Hey...come on, you've slept long enough. Come eat."

"Nhmmm..." She groans at him like a tired grumpy child and throws the blankets over her face.

"Oh no you don't..." He says with a playful scowl and goes over to the couch and sits near her midsection. Gently poking her, she grumbles some more and starts to twitch from his pokes. Soon he starts tickling her and she is squirming so violently under the blankets that it looks like two cats are fighting underneath it. "You gonna come eat? Huh? Huh? Are you? Are you?"

"OKAY!!! Just STOP!" She yells from the blankets and then she goes limp under them. He sees she's out of breath and just laying there defeated. Pulling back the blanket, he finds her face and looks deep into her tired, blue eyes.

"Well...I was wrong. More like Sleeping troll." Taking the pillow, she smacks him in the face with it and he just scoops her up, blankets and all and carries her to the kitchen before plopping her down in a chair.


"Don't you cross yer arms and pout at me. I'm feeding you remember?" She uncrosses her arms and they begin to eat. They eat in silence because the meal is so good that they hardly recognize that they are not alone and could fill the silence. When they both finish their dinner Beth leans back in the chair and sighs.

"That was sooo good....ahhhh."

"Haha, I did do a pretty good job. Got you something." She looks at him with curious eyes and he smiles. "Left overs..."

"Ahh, I love you!" She says with emphasis on love and they freeze. "You may not know words, but you are a fantastic cook."

She covers for herself and he just smiles smally. He was hoping she actually did love him so he wouldn't have to pretend any more, but proven now, she doesn't

"Well, you need to eat so I made a lot extra."

"Thank you. What time is it?"


"Shit...I took Rosita's shift tomorrow....FUCK....." She leans her head back far over the chair and groans loudly. Getting up, he pulls her from her chair and looks at her.

"Sucks to be you...but sucks to be me cause I work from 7-6 I win."

"Yer so mean." She says as she tiredly lays her head against his chest.

"You still really tired?" He looks down at her as he holds arms.


"Come on, ya pain in my ass." Picking her up, he takes her back to his bed and lays her down. Getting ready to go, she grabs his hand and he knows what she wants. "I'll be back...I gotta shut off the tv and kitchen light."


Leaving, he shuts off everything and comes back to bed, curling himself around her. She sighs and leans into him. He loves being close to her and knowing she wants him there. Even if she doesn't love him, he knows she'll always need him.

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