Chapter 93: A Positive Review

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They hadn't told anyone about the baby since they both discussed it on Halloween. With the passing of  Thanksgiving and Christmas a few days away, Beth has done nothing but relax at home with Kensi in front of the fireplace. She and Daryl have secretly been going to doctor appointments and it being the fifth month- both are anxious about being close to the third trimester. Right now they are in danger territory where Beth could possibly miscarry- which is unlikely in the fifth month but has happened to Carter.

"Mommy, I's want snow." Kensi looks up at her mother from between her legs, her head resting on Beth's small but growing belly.

"Snow? Honey, we don't get snow."

"But I want da snow."

"Maybe Santa will bring you some in a few weeks."

"San-tee coming?" Beth giggles at her little joy and pulls Kensi up to her chest, but avoids laying her on her belly.

"Not yet. You have two more weeks. Now, sweet pea, what are you gonna ask Santa for this year?" The child contemplates for a bit and Beth just remains quiet and admires her baby girl.

"A baby!" Kensi joyously says as she hugs Beth around her neck. "I's want a baby for yous and Daddy."

Taking a deep shaking breath, Beth pulls Kensi tight against her and tries to hold back the tears that are too willing to break. She kisses her daughter over and over again before letting another gasping breath come through.

"Yous need to be happy and a baby makes mommies and daddies happy- so's I wants yous baby."


He'd been working with Abraham at a new shop for a while now. Daryl has been on edge lately- between the baby and trying to actually find a house- he hasn't had time to think about what to get Beth or Kensi for Christmas, let alone Beth's ten million baby appointments. His mind has been backed up that he can't seem to focus on any one thing at a time. As he's cleaning up shop for the day the new secretary- Jessie Anderson- comes over to him. With a bruise on her bicep and a black eye forming, Daryl begins to worry.

"Jessie, I thought you went home to your boys?"

"I did...then I remembered I left my computer on and..."

"Where'd you get those bruises?"

"My kids and I were playing...they're boys. They rough house and thangs. It's nothing." The pain in her voice says otherwise.

"Is Pete hitting you?"

"No!" She's so abrupt that it startles them both. Jessie isn't a loud mouth so this is a definite sign that something's up.


"It's fine! It was an accident. It was my fault..."

"Is that what he tells you? No man should ever lay his hand on a woman. Is he beating the boys?"

"No. He wouldn't do that."

"Wouldn't hit you either- but that's obviously the same tier." Turning away from him, Jessie bits her lip and tries to catch a breath, but finds it hard to do. "Jessie you need to leave him. You're too nice and caring to be treated that way. My friend Rick is a cop. He could..."

"No. Just let it go Daryl. I have to get home or..."

"Or what? Pete's gonna give ya more accidental beatings? This isn't kink or dom/sub shit! Jesus Christ Jessie! One day he could kill you." Daryl gently holds her at arms length and looks deep into her eyes. It's there. The same terror he felt when his father beat him. "Please don't go home. Have your sister pick up the boys and stay at my wife's father's house with us. Or somewhere away from Pete. It's too dangerous."

"I don't know Daryl. I...I don't think I can..."

"Then I'll pick up the boys and if Pete's there- well- I guess I'm gonna have to try hard." Nodding her head, Daryl drives to the address Jessie gave him and he steadily goes to the door- unprepared for what he may encounter. Knocking twice, he waits until a teenage boy answers. "You must be Ron. Is Sam here too?"

"Do I know you?"

"Your mom works with me. I know about what's been going on. She asked me to come pick you two up and take you to my house with her for a couple of days."

"So you know about my dad?" He whispers close to Daryl.

"Yes- is he home?"

"He's in the backyard drinking and making himself dinner. He's not happy that mom's not home."

"Go get some clothes and your brother- quietly. I'll be right here." Ron nods and runs upstairs. After a few minutes both boys return with bags and Daryl ushers them to the truck quickly and drives back to the garage. "How long has your dad been like that?"

"Most of my life. Ever since mom caught him with a teenage girl from our old house in Alexandria- he's been drinking and beating." Ron angrily says. "He moved us here cause the parents of the girl were gonna charge him, but he changed our last name and moved here. When he found out mom was pregnant with Sam, he wanted her to abort him, but she refused. He used to beat her when she was pregnant. That's why Sam is sorta not right"

"Does he beat you boys?"

"He's tried when Mom isn't around, but I've fended him off. I don't want him hurting Sam." Angered, Daryl wants to go beat the fucker, but he knows that he'd be no better. Getting back to the garage, a commotion is going on in one of the auto bays. Walking in, Daryl leaves the kids in the truck and enter through the office. Screaming can be heard through the thin walls and Daryl races in to find Pete beating Jessie against a ridge-a-rack. Running up, Daryl grabs Pete by his collar and whips him into a stack of tires. Going up to him, he kicks him in the chest to keep him down. While Pete is still down, Daryl pulls his phone from his pocket and texts Rick- 911 garage- SOS!

Getting away from Daryl, Pete grabs a tire iron and swings at Daryl, but his drunkenness causes him to under swing and Daryl grabs the end of it and pulls it away. Glancing over at Jessie, she's bleeding terribly and is very still. Pushing the bar up into Pete's nose, Daryl hears the break of the bone and pulls back as Pete screams in pain. Taking the chance to go over to Jessie, Daryl tries to find a pulse but is stopped when Pete takes a wrench and bats him in the ribs with it. Knocking him over, Pete continues beating Daryl- who blocks the blows to his head with his arms. All he feels is pain in his side and bones in his arms shattering. But when he hears the faithful sirens of the Atlanta police- he takes a breath and fights back just enough to get Pete on his ass and away from him.

"Police! I wanna see your hands!" Rick yells and Pete struggles to put his hands where they need to be. "Daryl, you okay?"

"Check her...have someone check her..." He's shaking and feels very weak. Watching three EMT's look over Jessie, Daryl can barely breath. Standing up painfully, Daryl hobbles his way to the truck, clutching his side and short of breath. Getting there, two officers are asking Ron and Sam questions until the boys see Daryl. Racing to him, they start blabbering something and then black meets Daryl's vision.

"Daryl. Come on bud, you gotta go to the hospital." Rick's face is fuzzily coming back into view as Daryl clutches the door handle to his truck.

"I gotta go see Beth...."

"No. You can't drive like this. Come on. Get in the squad car."

"I need to be okay. I can't get her upset or worry her!" Pulling away like a frustrated child, Daryl tries to open his door, but his right hand is completely shattered and the pain is too much. His left arm is already black and blue.

"Beth is fine! You need a hospital!"

"She can't get upset or worry, Rick! We're not losing him!" Pausing in his endeavor, both men look at the other.

"What do you mean? Him?"

"Beth's pregnant with our son...I won't subject her to losing another one..." Crashing to the ground, Daryl can't breath at all.

"Why didn't you tell anyone man?"

"We were...waiting..." Passing out from shortness of breath, Daryl lays against his truck tire and Dick hurriedly gets the other EMT over there with a gurney.

It's gonna be a long night.

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